I cross my arms and remain at the front of the room, knowing he has to come back eventually.

But the moment a few of my classmates arrive, my plan falls apart. “Eventually” becomes five minutes before class begins.

“Mr. Donovan?” I approach the lectern.

“Yes, Miss Edwards?”

“Would it be possible to talk to you after class today?”

“About what?” He doesn’t make eye contact.

“Something very important.”

“I don’t host private conversations outside my office hours, Miss Edwards,” he says. “You’re more than aware of that.”

“Well, you keep cancelling your office hours.”

“Probably because everyone in this class is doing stellar work.”

“Please.” I lower my voice. “I need to know that we’re okay.”

“You’re fine, Miss Edwards.” He focuses on his folder, flipping through the pages.

I resort to desperation.

I pull a small gift box from my pocket and slide it under his binder. “I bought this for you when I was in Boston…Please open it whenever you get a chance.”

“We’re going to get started in about five minutes, everyone.” He looks past me to address the class, and I head to my seat.

He opens his briefcase and pulls out some files.

“Where were we last time?” he asks.

“Our personal essays with the Confessions of a Broken Soul theme,” Georgia Hill says. “I read mine aloud ,and you said you’d give me a grade today.”

“I have that for you,” he says, holding out an envelope. “Who would like to go next?”

No one raises a hand.

“No one?” He looks around. “You only have four more days to work on this before it’s due, and I’m not granting extensions. Is there a problem with this assignment?”

I raise my hand, and he scans the room before looking in my direction.

“Yes, Miss Edwards?”

“I’d like to read my confession piece aloud to get some feedback from the class.”

“Feedback days are onMondays,Miss Edwards.”

“I’dloveto hear Genevieve’s essay on this topic,” someone in the back says. “What trouble could Miss Lives of the Super Sweet, Pretty, & Privileged possibly have?”

“She probably stole a piece of gum from the store.”

“Yeah, but then she probably gave it back and offered to work off her shame for a week or two.”

Everyone laughs.

“I snuck off campus earlier this semester and almost had a one night stand with an older man,” I say.