“You must have forgotten the poet who was performing on the night we met.” His lips curve into a smile.

I swallow my laughter, crossing my arms instead.

“I wasn’t laughingat you,” he says, stepping closer.

“Then why were you laughing?”

“Because I just got back from Boston to buy something for the future valedictorian of the senior class.”

“Really? They know who’s ranked number one already?”

He shoots me a blank stare. “They told me that there’s no point in waiting to pick it up, since this student will undoubtedly gain admission into every Ivy-league school she applies to, with a guaranteed full scholarship on the table.”

“So, if Alice Hartman will be named number one, will that make me salutatorian? How close are our scores?”

He places his hands on my shoulders. “Withdraw your application to Harvard,” he says. “Then reapply with a different essay.”

“I can do that?”

“It’s a little known loophole. With a certain someone’s assistance who is owed a small favor, I’ll make sure they get back to you as soon as possible.”

“So, you’re going to beg some friend of yours to let me in? Like a sympathy admission?”

“I wouldnever,” he says. “I’ll just ask them to look over my class’s applications as soon as possible.”

“Okay.” I nod. “If you could do that, I’d truly appreciate it.”

“I’m going out of town this weekend to handle some personal stuff, but I’ll help you with it on Monday evening.”

“Thank you. Can I ask you something personal?”

“You can promise not to skip my class again first.”

“It won’t happen again.”


The train suddenly whistles in the distance, and the soft rattling of the tracks warns that it's minutes away from coming down the tunnel.

Liam looks at his watch. “You’ll be back on campus before curfew, correct?”

I nod. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m just curious.”

“Do you ask your other professors if they have girlfriends?”

I blush, shaking my head.

“Congratulations on getting into so many colleges,” he says, walking away. “I’ll see you on Monday.”

“See you on Monday.” I start to head down the platform.

“Oh and Genevieve?” He calls after me, and I look over my shoulder.
