
I won’t be in class tomorrow.

Mr. Donovan

Then you’ll leave me no choice but to finally write you up.


You wouldn’t do that to me…

Mr. Donovan

Try me and see.

I gasp and call him.

“Yes, Miss Edwards?” he answers on the first ring.

“I’m going through something super tragic in my personal life, and I would appreciate some understanding at this time.”

“Someone you know passed away?”

“It feels like it.”

“That’s not a clear enough answer for me,Genevieve.”

The way he says my first name sends a sudden jolt of warmth through my body.

“I don’t see why my absence matters,” I say. “It’s not like I’m behind on my work.”

“That doesn’t mean that I don’t want to see you.”


“Doesn’t mean you can skip class.”

“Harvard waitlisted me.” The words rush out of my mouth. “ I gave them the best personal essay I’ve ever written, put my heart and soul into every word, and theywaitlistedme.”

I wait for him to offer sincere apologies, to say how stupid the admissions department must be, but he laughs.

It’s not a light. “Ha, that’s life, don’t worry,” chuckle.

It’s a full-blown, “funniest shit I’ve ever heard in my life” belly howl that is probably making him convulse on the floor.

I hang up.

He calls me seconds later, and I send him straight to voicemail.

Screw him and everyone else at this school.

I walk the route I know all too well, straight down Main and past Flamingos’s Coffee until I reach the Amtrak stop on Lincoln.

When I descend the steps, Liam is standing there with a huge bag, looking as if he’s been waiting for me.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks.

“Someplace where failure isn’t funny.”