“Yeah, finally.”

“I’ll have to come by and see it over tea.”

“By all means, please hesitate to do so.”

“Fine, I’ll go.” He laughs, pointing to the magazine in my hands. “Is that the newest Boston U quarterly?”

“I believe so,” I say. “I’m in the mood for some good fiction writing.”

“I’m beyond hooked on one of the serials in that one,” he says. “It’s called Summer Reign by Autumn Fire. It sounds intriguing, doesn’t it?”

“It sounds like a pen name.”

“It is.” He smiles, then lowers his voice. “It’s by Miss Edwards, but don’t say anything. I need her to get to the end first, and I don’t want the journal to find out before she finishes writing.”

I drop the magazine to the floor.

The following morning

I open the door,ready clear my mind with a run, but Genevieve is sitting on the porch. Dressed in a grey sweatshirt and matching plaid skirt, she stares straight ahead as the wind blows her hair.

She’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, from every fucking angle.

“Good morning.” I clear my throat. “May I help you with something, Miss Edwards?”

She stands up and smiles, turning me on with ease. Rummaging through her bag, she pulls out a small brown gift box.

“I wanted to make sure I gave you this.” She holds it out for me.

“What is it?”

“You’ll have to open it and see.”

“I don’t like surprises.”

She rolls her eyes. “It’s a birthday present. Today’s your birthday, right?”

I blink.

“Don’t feel too special,” she says. “They mentioned it on the boards this morning and it’s customary for first-year teachers to receive a class gift from the senior Exonians. We all pitched in to give you something.”

“I appreciate the tradition.” I take the present from her. “Thank you, Miss Edwards.”

“You’re welcome.” She looks at me like she wants to say more, but she smooths her skirt and walks away.

I wait until she disappears behind the trees before pulling off the wrapping.

Inside are three exclusive editions of books I’ve mentioned in our mentor group, a book I’ve never heard of calledChoices, and a five-hundred dollar gift card to a local cafe.

On top is a note in Genevieve’s handwriting.

Happy Birthday.

I took the liberty of highlighting all the best parts in the Choices book to prove I’m right in my choosing theory. I also dog-eared every page because you have yet to correct my ‘F’ grade.
