I will never ignore one of your phone calls again…

“What the hell were you thinking?” I lay my head against her chest. “You’re so dramatic, I swear.”

“Mr. Donovan, please.” Her father suddenly yanks on my arm from behind, spinning me around. “I consider myself to be a gentleman, but if you don’t leave at this instant, I will—”

“What?” I snap. “What exactly will you do?”

“I will have you placed behind bars for the rest of your miserable life,” he says. “My daughter does not want to see you, and you don’t either.”

“You’re fucking wrong,” I say. “I love your daughter and I’ll be right here until she wakes up, whether you like it or not.”

“We’ll see what Brett has to say about that.”

“Brett needs to worry about his own legal issues.” I step closer. “Haven’t you heard?”

“Heard what, Mr. Donovan?”

“He’s quite a hypocrite, and he’s having to drop the charges, amongst other things,” I say. “I’m sure they’ll be hitting the papers soon.”

“You were dating a minor.”

“I broke up with her when I found out she lied to me. No questions asked.”

They stare blankly at me, but I don’t feel like holding out to see who will give in first.

I return my attention to Genevieve, caressing her hand.

The cops never arrive.

At some point, a nurse offers me a chair.

Her parents order me dinner.

Over the next few days,Genevieve doesn’t show any improvement.

“I swear to God, Genevieve…” I whisper when we’re alone. “You better not fucking leave me…”



Lavender and white balloons are staring at me, saying, “Get Well Soon” and “Congratulations, it’s a Girl!”

My head is throbbing, but I can finally feel all my fingers.

Wrapped up to the knuckles, they hurt like hell.

“Yes,” a familiar, deep voice says from the corner. “You probably feel a lot better than you look right now.”

“Shouldn’t it be vice versa?” I croak. “With the word ‘worse’?”

“No.” He smiles and rolls a tray toward me. “I’ll get the nurse.”

“Wait.” I grab his hand. “What happened?”

“You don’t remember how you got here?”

“The last thing I remember is walking away from Brett at the courthouse.”