This made Luis clench his teeth. He turned around and poked Jase in the back. “That's all we did, Jase. I don't know what you're implying. But we went for a ride, we talked, and he brought me home. End of story. Goodnight.”

Jase remained still, with his back facing Luis. His tone sounded superior. “I'm not implying anything. I don't trust guys like Alec. There's something creepy about him.”

“He thinks I'm smart,” Luis said.

Jase laughed. “Oh, I'm sure he does. I'll bet he told you you're a regular Einstein genius.”

Luis exhaled. He felt his face getting red. “Well, he does think I'm smart.”

Jase turned and faced him. He sat up and rested his weight on his elbow. “I hope you didn't fall for that line. It's the kind of shit all guys like Alec use when they want to get into someone's pants. My buddies laugh about shit like that all the time. That's how guys are. They'll say anything to get their dicks wet.”

“Well, for your information, he did try to get into my pants, but I said no. I told him to take me home and he was very nice about it. And I already know how guys are because I am a guy.” He decided to leave the naked part out this time.

Jase rolled his eyes. Then he punched the mattress. “I'm going to seriously beat the shit out of Alec tomorrow,” Jase said.

Luis blinked. “Why on earth would you do that? I just said he was nice and he brought me home. He's really not a bad guy, Jase. He's a lot like you in many ways.”

“Because he's a fucking asshole and he should have known better than to try to get into your pants. I'll knock his fucking teeth out for trying to take advantage of an innocent stranger from out of town. That's just wrong. I hate when guys do shit like that.”

Luis sighed. This was ridiculous. None of them were even openly gay. “But Jase, you've been trying to do the same thing to me since I got here.”

“It's different with me.”


“Because I have good intentions. Because I care about you and I'd never harm you in any way. You're not just a piece of ass to me.”

Luis hadn't expected Jase to react this strongly. But Luis was thinking about Jase as a rational middle aged adult, not as a testosterone driven young man who hadn't learned how to control his temper yet. “Calm down, Jase. Nothing happened between us. And Alec was nice about it. He could have been an asshole, but he wasn't. When he dropped me off, he even apologized ten times and said there were no hard feelings.” Alec had said nothing of the sort. He dropped Luis off and sped away without saying a word or looking back. The dude was pissed and he was pouting big time because Luis had shot him down. But Luis didn't want Jase getting into a fight with Alec over him. This would have been wrong on so many levels Luis wouldn't have known what to do.

After a moment of silence, Jase said, “Well, I guess as long as he didn't do anything offensive I'll let it go. But I swear, if he does bother you again, I'll kick the shit out of him.”

Luis said, “But Jase, you're not gay and we're not a couple. I'm not even going to be here for long. We both know that. And I'm fine with it. If you notice, I didn't ask you anything about Betsy or what you did tonight. It's none of my business.”

“We went out for a burgers and I drove Betsy home,” Jase said. “Nothing happened.”

“It doesn't matter, Jase. It's none of my business what you did with her. I have no more right to ask you about what you did than you have to ask me.”

Jase punched the bed and Luis jumped. Then Jase pulled back the covers, climbed on top of Luis, and put his arms around him. Jase kissed him and said, “You know I'm not gay, but there's something about you that makes me crazy. I know it's wrong, but I can't help the way I feel.” Then he kissed him again and grabbed the back of his neck so hard Luis had trouble breathing.

A minute later, Jase's dick popped out of the opening of his boxer shorts and it poked Luis in the groin. Luis's arms were around Jase's shoulders and his legs were wrapped around Jase's waist. They were still kissing; Luis pulled him closer each time he bucked his hips. Jase finally asked, with exasperation, “Can I fuck you?”

Luis nodded and said, “Yes, you can.”

While they continued to kiss, Jase reached into the drawer of his nightstand and pulled out a bottle of baby oil. The drawer fell out and hit the floor; a book fell off the table. Luis took the baby oil from him and squeezed out a healthy puddle into his right palm. Jase kissed him harder and Luis spread his legs wider. Luis rubbed baby oil around the lips of his anus, and then rubbed what was left all over Jase's dick until it was slick and smooth and glided across his palm.

“I've never done this before with anyone,” Jase said. His eyes rolled back when Luis tapped the tip of his penis. “I've never done it with a man or a woman.”

“I know,” Luis said, then he arched his back, spread his legs wider, and wrapped his fingers around Jase's dick.

He guided Jase into his body slowly; the baby oil allowed him to slip inside with such ease Jase let out a quiet moan of relief. For a moment, Jase remained buried inside Luis without moving. He kissed him and moaned at the same time, rolling his tongue in circles. Luis reached down with both hands and pressed them against Jase's buttocks. He pushed hard against Jase's muscles, as if trying to shove Jase as deeply inside him as he could.

When Jase started moving his hips, Luis caressed his back and nodded yes. Their lips remained locked together; neither one of them could speak. Jase moved faster and the bed began to squeak. Luis's legs went back and he held Jase so tightly there would be subtle marks on Jase's back the next morning. Jase seemed to lose track of everything around him. He didn't seem to care how hard Luis held him. His hips only moved faster; his dick slammed into Luis with a sense of urgency Luis had never experienced before this night. The older version of Jase could be rough and blunt in bed. But the younger version was even more intense. It was as if Jase were a rubber band and he'd been stretched to the limit and finally he'd snapped. Luis felt as though he were being split wide open. When Jase was moving as fast as his hips could go, right before they both climaxed together, the slaps against Luis's ass were so loud Luis was glad Isabelle and Judah's bedroom was at the other side of the house where they couldn't hear anything.

When it was over, Jase fell on top of Luis in a heap and remained there for a long time without speaking. He held Luis in his arms while his breathing slowed down. Luis wrapped his legs around Jase's waist and caressed the back of Jase's head very gently. Luis knew he would be sore the next morning. He might even have trouble walking.