Once a poor kid, always a poor kid on the inside. Nick understood that well.

“Wonderful.” The sales dude took her card and went off to complete the transaction.

Jazz signed for the bracelet with a flourish, then decided to wear it out of the store. “Do they really have a gift thing for pushing out a kid?” She traced her finger over the three diamond chips and gold interlocking circles on top of the bracelet. “If so, I definitely deserve something, because wow, my boy has a fat head. He’s beautiful and perfect, but oh my God,ow.”

Nick cringed and squeezed his legs together. Even knowing he would never have to contend with such indignities himself, the idea was enough to make him want to buy industrial strength condoms.

From the expression on the salesclerk’s face, he wasn’t faring much better.

“Well, yes, then you definitely merited such a lovely purchase. I hope you enjoy it. And um, congratulations on your baby.” The salesman cleared his throat. “Sir, you mentioned pearls? We have a lovely selection.”

Nick smirked. He was used to Jazz’s form of bald honesty. This guy was not.

“Yes, I know which one I want.” Nick walked to the mannequin and tapped her shoulder. “This one, please.”

“A wonderful choice. This, however, is not on sale.”

“I don’t care.” Nick set his mouth in a hard line. “I want it.”

“You have a discerning eye. I must applaud your taste.” The sales dude discreetly flipped over the tiny tag so that Nick could see the price.

That he didn’t stagger back and fall to his knees was a miracle.

He almost asked why he couldn’t get the same price as Jazz’s impromptu purchase. That had been outrageous enough.

This was pure insanity.

“These are baroque Tahitian pearls, so rare that only a few strands of them exist in the world. Certainly you won’t find another strand of this length, which is perfect if your wife enjoys a more layered style.”

“Uh, no, she’s not my wife. Not. Nope, no way.” Nick ran his fingertip along his collar. “She’s actually another guy’s wife. Technically. They’re almost divorced, I guess.”

The salesman brushed a shaky hand over his combover. “Well, then, your…err, friend would appreciate a piece with such versatility.”

“I’m sure she would, but holy shit.” Nick slid a sidelong glance at Jazz, who was still drooling over her bracelet. “Hey, wanna spot me that platinum card? Might as well break it in properly.”

Jazz narrowed her eyes. “You’ve been spending your own money just fine.”

“Yeah, well, I didn’t bring enough to cover—” He swallowed and avoided glancing at the price tag. If he didn’t, maybe he wouldn’t throw up. “I only have one credit card, and I don’t carry it with me. Christ, you know I’m good for it. Just dig out my stash under my mattress when we get back to our place. Be careful with the dirty magazines.”

He was totally lying to get the sales dude going. From the way the guy coughed, he’d fallen for the bait. Either Nick’s dirty magazines or their unusual living arrangement had thoroughly blown his mind.

Probably both.

“Fine, fine. I know you’re a complete miser. You gotta have it. How much is—” Jazz leaned forward to glance at the tag and let out a squeal. “Oh my God, that’s fucking nuts. You’ve gotta love her.”

“Shh.” Nick shifted his bags to the other hand and grabbed Jazz’s wrist. “Keep your voice down.”

Jazz bit her lip. “Sorry. But that’s seriously some cash. It’s gorgeous though.” She trailed a fingertip over the pearls. “She’ll adore it.”

“Well, then. Isn’t this a coincidence.” That cool, sexy voice combined with the click of heels on the tiled floor made Nick pivot—and unintentionally dig his fingers into Jazz’s wrist.

Lila. Naturally they had to run into her then, of all times. And she was staring at his hand circling Jazz’s wrist.

He dropped his hand immediately. If he didn’t have shitty luck, he’d have none at all.

Time for serious damage control.

“You need to leave,” he told Lila. He kept his voice calm. As calm as it could be when his perfect Christmas gift was about to be ruined.