“Miss, that item is one of our most expensive.” If the sales associate had looked down any further at Jazz, his chin would’ve been on the floor.

“Pretty sure she can pay, since her bank account has more zeroes than you have diamonds in this place.” Nick kept his smile in place, but only because he really wanted that necklace.

Imagining Lila in pearls—and only pearls—was enough of a fantasy to last him for a lifetime. Now he needed to make it a reality.

“Is that so?”

“It’s so.” Jazz gave Nick the side eye and tugged out her wallet. “Not sure what my friend wants, but it’s Christmastime and mama wants some frost. I’m about to buy a really inappropriate gift in the interest of self-love. Talk me off the ledge.”

“Get it. Don’t they have squeezing out the kid gifts or something?” Nick looped an arm around her shoulders as the sales associate alternated between looking shocked at Nick’s commentary and eager that Jazz might be able to pony up some moolah.

“That’s not talking me off the ledge. I need to buy diapers. We just bought a house.”

“A house with how many bedrooms?” Nick asked, making sure the guy was listening.

Jazz blushed faintly. “Eight.”

“Miss, your…companion is right. Treating yourself is a woman’s prerogative.” The sales dude nearly tripped over his mouth-sized feet in his hurry to kiss Jazz’s ass. “You certainly deserve it.”

“She does, and not because you say so. Do you listen to music,” Nick dropped his gaze to the associate’s discreet name tag, “Steve? If so, then perhaps you’ve heard of a local rock band named Oblivion?”

Steve straightened his bowtie. “I’m afraid rock isn’t my genre of choice.”

“Of course not. But perhaps sometime you could stop by our house in the hills to check out our gold records.” His smile never faltered as Jazz jerked her elbow into his ribs. “Anyway, she’d like the bracelet, and I’d like that pearl necklace. The long, black one.”

“I’m not sure,” Jazz mumbled, gnawing on her lower lip. “It’s really expensive.”

“Should I call Gray right now and ask what he thinks?”

“He’d say to buy it if I really want it, impractical or not. He’s a softie.”

“He loves you.”

“Yeah.” Her cheeks glowed as she ducked her head and smiled.

Nick cleared his throat at the tightness in his chest. Not because she was clearly so in love with her husband, but because he wondered—not for the first time—what that was like.

He was beginning to think he already knew. Or at least he was on his way to knowing, and God, that scared him to death.

“It’s actually on sale right now, just until the close of business.” The associate named a price that would’ve made Nick’s jaw drop if he hadn’t had his eye on a necklace that cost even more.

The thing waslong, which meant a lot of pearls. Lila tended toward a more classic single strand style, but Nick already had more inventive ideas of what to do with this particular item.

Dual purpose for the win.

“Just get it,” he said to Jazz, since she was wavering so hard that she was practically bouncing on her sneakers. “You can wear it on New Year’s Eve,” he added, remembering that he’d somehow gotten talked into babysitting so that Gray and Jazz could go out.

He still couldn’t believe they were entrusting their practically newborn child to him, but apparently, he exuded an air of capability with the kid. Or else they couldn’t get anyone else to watch the baby on relatively short notice on New Year’s.

Much more likely.

“Yes, I could. That’d be perfect. It’ll go so well with my dress. Gray’s eyes are gonna pop out.” She grinned and released her death grip on her wallet long enough to pry out her credit card. “Oh, what the hell. Go ahead and charge it.”

Shockingly, the sales guy was now all smiles. “Excellent. Will that be on your platinum card?”

“As a matter of fact, yes, it will.” Jazz handed over her newly minted card with a triumphant smile. She’d been over the moon to qualify for such a fancy card, and she’d danced through their apartment with the mail for half an hour.

Then she’d promptly gone to buy a bunch of odds and ends at the discount store.