His little rulebreaker might’ve hesitated at first, but she always took the bull by the horns and fucking rode it all the way home. Just like she was riding him.

Onlypartof him at the moment, but still. She was grinding against his palm like a champ, getting him soaked while she carried on a halting, breathless conversation with Mrs. Knolls about fond school memories, and oh yeah, she did remember the pep rally when she’d dropped her flute, and wasn’t that just hilarious?

She didn’t find much hilarious when he sneaked his index finger inside her too, caging in her clit and giving it a rough pinch that made her shudder and pretend to have a fit because of a circling bee.

“Oh no, dear, are you allergic? You mustn’t get stung.” Her gaze dropped to Jazz’s stomach as if she’d suddenly realized it was distended. Or else Jazz must’ve caught quite the stiff breeze under her billowy shirt. “You’re pregnant? How lovely. I’m sorry I didn’t realize before now. You’re such a tiny thing. I should’ve looked closer.”

“Oh, no, really, no need for that.” Jazz wiggled backward, right into his aching dick. He barely managed to stifle a groan. See, he hadn’t been lying about his aches, because his damn cock felt like he was being strangulated. And he wasn’t even going tothinkabout his balls.

“You definitely need to make sure you don’t get stung if you’re with child. Everything hits you so much harder then. How far along are you?”

“Damn fucking close,” he said behind her ear, adding a little nip to the soft skin there as he rubbed her clit hard and fast.

“Too far. Umm, I mean, I’m, Jesus, Gray, how far along am I?” She backed up into him again and he swallowed a half laugh/half grunt. “I’m five months. I think. Yes, five. Wow, is it hot out here or is it just me?”

Mrs. Knolls narrowed her eyes. “Five. How delightful. And yes, dear, it is hot out here. That’s late spring in Southern California for you.” She made a big show of glancing at her watch. “Well, would you look at the time. I hate to chat and run but I have an appointment I can’t miss. It was so wonderful to see you both again.”

“Yes,” Jazz choked out as he inched his fingers downward and slipped them just inside her drenched entrance. She quivered around him and he plowed deeper for the simple pleasure of hearing her breath catch as she tried to summon coherent thoughts. “It was nice. So nice. Oh God, yes, we have to chat again soon. Bye now and take care.”

“Take care,” Gray repeated, smiling as Mrs. Knolls gave a jerky wave and turned to walk across the lot to her car.

The moment their former teacher moved out of their sight, Jazz rocketed her hips upward and he pumped his fingers deep. Doubled over, she moaned, her pussy clutching at him as he found that secret spot inside her and exploited it. In no time her thighs vised around his hand as she came hard, her hot release scorching his hand.

He pressed his cheek to her back as her breaths rattled in and out. He continued to stroke her quaking folds, bringing her down a lot more considerately than he’d taken her up.

“Oh fuck, that felt good.”

Against her back, he smiled and said nothing.

“Though, seriously, you couldn’t have stopped when she was standing right in front of us? I didn’t even remember when my own baby was due, you perv.” Giggling, she reached around to caress his thigh through his jeans.

“I was doing my part as a concerned husband. Is it not my duty to get you off at every opportunity?” He brushed his nose along the back of her neck and made her laugh as she squirmed away. Luckily, he had a good handhold on her and flicked her clit to keep her still. “I’d say I deserve a reward.”

“You do, but not here.” She gave his leg a consoling pat and tugged his hand out of her shorts with what only could be termed a mournful sigh. She quickly zipped the zipper and did up the button of her shorts. “I so needed that. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. After the day you had with my mother, you certainly did.”

“Oh no. No mother talk while I’m still getting aftershocks. Worlds are colliding.” She clutched her ears and he laughed. “Make it stop.”

“It’s stopped.” He sucked his fingers into his mouth with a loud slurp then grinned at her and rose, extending a hand to help her up. “This bus has one more stop to make. You ready?”

She got to her feet and brushed grass off her very cute butt. “I’d say no, that we could stop the bus right here, but I know what your answer will be. That we need to make more good memories to replace the bad.”

“You got it.” He caressed her cheek with the backs of his fingers, knowing from the way her huge blue eyes fired that she felt the warmth still clinging to his hand.Herwarmth. He wasn’t in any hurry to wash it away. “How am I doing on that score so far?”

“It’s working,” she said softly.

With those two little words, she lit him up like fireworks. “Whew.” He leaned in to brush his mouth over her forehead. “Thank God.”

They started walking back to their car, hand-in-hand. “But I suppose you still expect a reward other than praise,” she teased.

“I don’t expect one.”

“Sure you don’t.”

“Eating my fill at your pussy buffet all night is all the reward I need.” He opened her door for her and leaned closer. “But if your head happens to slide between my legs…”

“Maybe you’ll be sliding between these.” Grinning slyly, she gave her ample breasts a quick squeeze and slipped into the car.