At her frown, he reached over to take her hand. He kissed her knuckles, meeting her gaze. “I mean, yes, it’s our home for now, but it’s temporary. We’re getting our own place soon, and that’ll be our real home. The place where we’ll build our future.” He waggled his brows. “And you know, the place we’ll have to renovate endlessly to make sure we have enough bedrooms for the brood.”

“Harper said we were like Brangelina today.”

“Told her the five or six children plan, plus a couple adopted ones, huh?”

“Yes.” She grinned. “She’ll probably be sending you a ‘thinking of you’ card soon, because I’m pretty certain she thinks we’re lunatics.”

“Well, yeah, we are, but so what?” He lowered her hand to her lap and went in for a kiss that was the real deal. His lips on hers, his hands in her hair. Her heartbeat thumping beat for beat with his.

That was the only reality he cared about.

“I love you. You know that?”

“Hmm. Seems familiar. You can say it another ten thousand times, just to drive the point home,” he murmured, pulling her as close at the confines of the front seat would allow.

“Oh, I intend to. First you’re going to tell me why we’re here.”

“I’ve always been a show kind of guy.” He eased back and grabbed the keys, shoving them in his jeans pocket. Then he opened the door and called back, “C’mon, slowpoke,” before he shut the door and took off at a jog across the parking lot.

“Who you calling slow?” she asked breathlessly, meeting him outside the door to the store a couple moments later. She rubbed a stitch in her side. “Ow.”

“Ow? Whatow? Are you okay? Shit, is running bad for you? I thought it would be okay, because it was only a few feet—” He broke off at her grin. “Faker.”

“Don’t swear in front of the baby.” She batted her eyelashes and sailed into the store ahead of him. As she’d clearly planned all along.

He tipped his head back and laughed.

When he joined her inside, he found her filling a creaky cart with everything she laid eyes on. Or so it seemed. “Hey, we came here for a specific…” He trailed off and sighed as she added a container of cherries to the cart. “Does this mean you won’t be sending me out later to satisfy your ice cream cravings?”

“No, it means you’re going to get to see me tie a cherry stem with my tongue.”

“You do have hidden talents.” He cupped her ass in her snug jean shorts and got a giggle in return.

A few aisles later, the cart was mostly full, and they still hadn’t retrieved what he’d intended for them to get yet. Well, actually there were two things.

“Close your eyes.” He guided her to a stop. “Now reach up and grab the first thing you feel.” To help her, he drew her hand to the location he intended. She snagged the package he indicated and examined the item with only her fingertips. “Any guesses?” he asked.

“Not a one.”

“Okay then, open your eyes.”

She inched open an eyelid and viewed the box she held with extreme trepidation. “What the hell is this?”

“Little ears,” he reminded her, setting his chin on her shoulder. “Those are watercolor paints. Non-toxic and completely safe for naked bodies.”

“Safe for…why, you freak!”

The pleasure in her voice made him grin. “At times, yes. So I want to draw on your perfect belly. You have a problem with that, Mrs. Duffy?”

“Not a one,” she echoed.

“Good. Just one more stop after we pay for all this.” He gestured toward the cart.

“One stop before we go home?” Her relief was palpable.

“No, two more stops before we go home, one more stop within in the store itself. Now wheel the cart, woman.”

Rolling her eyes, she obeyed.