“And you need her to like you,” he said softly, looking at her sideways.



She took a big bite of chicken and wiped her chin. “Fine. Yes. I just want her to think I’m good enough for her son. That marrying me isn’t the biggest mistake you’ve ever made.”

“No, I’m pretty sure she thinks joining Oblivion is the biggest mistake I ever made.”

The chicken fell from her boneless fingers. “No way. Seriously?”

He nodded and kept eating. Nothing knocked Gray off his feed, at least now that he was clean and sober. For a while the weight had been dropping off him way too fast. “Being in unsuccessful bands was one thing. She still held out hope back then that I’d see the error of my ways and get a real job like Dad. Because you know, being a lawyer is exactly what I wanted to do with my life.”

“It’s a nice stable job.” She licked her fingers and tried to stop herself from grabbing one more piece. “Though I’m not sure I’d be accepted by the other lawyers’ wives, what with the blue hair and belly flashing.”

The corner of his mouth lifted. “You forgot the wild piercings and crazy clothes.”

“My ‘wild’ piercings aren’t visible, thank you very much.”

He dropped the remnants of the chicken in the bucket and wiped his hands on a napkin. “So I guess I should burn those pictures I just happen to have,” he said nonchalantly.

“What? What pictures?”

“Nothing. Never mind.” He gave her a bland smile. “You finished?”

“Yes, I’m finished. What pictures, Gray?”

“I only took a couple.”

“That’s like saying it only went in a few inches. A couple is plenty.” She crossed her arms as he put the car in gear. Even the lingering delicious aroma of the chicken couldn’t mitigate her annoyance. “No one looks good in sex pictures, and besides, hello, you should’ve told me. I haven’t sneaked any pix of your dick, have I?”

“I don’t know. Have you?” He backed out of the space and drove out of the lot.

“No. I would ask first. That’s just common courtesy.”

“Sorry. I should have. So is this our first married fight?” He tilted his head and peered at her through the tangle of his too long dark hair.

Damn adorable man.

“No. But it’s my first married demand.” She held out a hand. “I want to see. Gimme.”

He gave a long-suffering sigh. “Of course I’ll show you. I owe you that much, don’t I? I only have one request in return. In the spirit of marital harmony,” he added at her sputter.

“Harmony, my kiester. I’m the unharmonious one, buster. You don’t tack on demands when I’m the aggrieved party here.”

“You’re right. I just want to see your notebook.”

“What notebook?” she asked as he signaled onto the freeway. “Where are we going?”

“Surprise, remember? And you know very well what notebook. The composition one you teased me with in high school. The secret one.”

Her cheeks flamed as she nudged away the decimated bucket of chicken with her sneaker. “I showed you my notebook.”

“You showed me one of your notebooks. You never showed me theotherone, but I think it’s time, don’t you?”

“What makes you think I even have it anymore? I might’ve tossed it out.”

“You?” He snorted and shifted lanes. “You’d keep it just for the sentimental value, if nothing else.”