Jazz cast a sidelong look at Gray, who’d developed a sudden fascination with his phone. Traitor. “Okay, sure. Sounds great.”

“Wonderful! I’ll call you to set something up. And Grayson, feel free to join us too.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m busy.”

“He’s working a lot of hours, writing songs,” Jazz hastened to add, feeling the need to patch over the hole Gray’s words had caused. She might not like Mrs. Duffy as much as she once had, but that didn’t mean she wanted her to go home feeling bad.

She really didn’t want to go home feeling bad either, if it could be helped.

“Yeah, I’ll make it if I can.” Gray brushed a quick kiss over his mother’s cheek. “Drive safely.”

“I will. You too.” Mrs. Duffy started to walk away, then turned back and fumbled in one of her shopping bags. “Oh, I almost forgot. I bought this too, as a surprise.”

Jazz squealed and grabbed the lemon yellow baby bathrobe with a duck’s head hood. “Oh my gosh, it’s perfect. He’ll look adorable in this.” She juggled her bags and clutched the robe to her chest. “Isn’t it cute, Gray?”

“Very. Give me your bags.”

She handed them over dutifully and went back to cooing over the duck. “We’ve been talking about painting the nursery yellow and green, so those are pretty much my favorite colors right now. Thank you so much.”

Mrs. Duffy smiled. “You’re more than welcome, dear. Make sure you get some rest tonight.” Shooting a dark look at her son, she headed off toward her BMW.

Still clinging to the robe, Jazz started to laugh. Hard. “Now you’re the pervert,” she said between giggles.

Gray lifted a brow. “Excuse me?”

“That’s why I didn’t answer your texts. Mother interruptus.”

“Oh. Awkward. Seriously?”

“So seriously.” She looped her arm through his and they headed over to her car. “How’d you get here anyway?”

“Luc from The Grunge dropped me off. I was going to head back to the apartment but when I didn’t hear from you—”

“You were worried. I know. I’m sorry. I should have answered.”

“But text interruptus.” He shuddered as she unlocked the trunk. “Just not going to think about it, okay?”

“What I recommend,” she said soberly. Once he’d dumped the packages inside, she carefully folded the duck robe and placed it into one of the bags. “Wait until you see what I got. So much cute!” She frowned, staring at her purchases. “Boys are fun to buy for too. Don’t you think?”

Gray didn’t look up from his phone. “Huh?”

Rolling her eyes, she shut the trunk and tugged out the keys. “I’m guessing you want to drive?”

He just held out a hand and kept texting one-handed.

Yep, today wasn’t her day.

She tossed him the keys and got in the passenger side, waiting until he’d finally tucked away his phone and started the car to return to the conversation. Calmly. Without snark. “Your mother thinks it’s more fun to buy for girl babies than boys.”

He frowned and signaled out of the lot. “Why?”

“I don’t know. They have frilly dresses and crap. Though boys can wear frilly stuff too if they want to.”

“Truth. Or is it because they put those stupid bands on girl babies’ bald heads to make up for the lack of hair?”

A laugh sneaked out. “That’s mean.”

“I wasn’t a bald baby, and neither were you. Hair, man. It’s a small thing to ask for.” He flashed her a grin and reached over to rub her thigh. “So you good to hang out for a bit?”