“What is that?” he demanded.

My sister shoved it behind her back, and then shoved me in front of her. “Nothing. How was your day, honey bunch?”

He didn’t so much as blink. In the almost six months we’d being married, he’d swiftly learned my sister spoke fluent sarcasm. “Calliope, what is your sister holding in her hand?” he asked, looming over me until my nipples waved hi and my throat grew dry.

Hey there, kid in utero. This bossy Irish dude is your daddy. Don’t let his bluster scare you. Normally, he’s a kitten with a monster penis.

“What’s up with the full name treatment suddenly?” I cleared my throat and attempted to steer my thoughts away from Owen’s accent, Owen’s accent’s effect on my nipples, and Owen’s monster cock which had nothing to do with his heritage and everything to do with why I’d so enjoyed the process of getting knocked up.

“I come home and call out for my wife, and she doesn’t reply to me. Instead she’s huddling in here. Now I know why.” He angled his head. “You’ve been crying.”

“Not exactly,” I hedged.

“We agreed you weren’t going to take any more tests for a while, because they upset you too much. And after the day I’ve had, we don’t need any more of that.”

“What was wrong with your day?” I followed him from the bathroom into our bedroom, well aware that my sister was left holding my pee stick for a little longer.

I hoped she didn’t throw it out. Didn’t think it’d fit in the kid’s baby book, but maybe I could make a memento box.

Ugh, gross, no one needs your pee stick as a memento. Least of all your unborn child.

“Just the usual. Squabbling bandmates, overbearing managers, endless takes of one bloody song.” He yanked out a drawer and dug through it, looking for who knows what. Then he raked a hand through his overlong dark hair and glanced over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes as footsteps sounded behind me. “Seriously, you can dispose of that thing. Not sure it’s necessary you wave it in our faces anymore.”

Ava lifted her eyebrows pointedly at me.

“Can we, ah, have some privacy?” I said to my sister.

“Sure. I’ll just—”

Owen shut the dresser drawer and stomped over to Ava, plucking the stick out of her hand before she could make a peep. “Let’s just get rid of this, shall we?”

“I don’t think you should. Well, maybe you should, because kinda disgusting, but better get used to it, because your whole life is going to be disgusting from now on. Dirty diapers, two a.m. feedings, vomit on your shoes—” At my astonished glance, Ava fell silent. “So how about those Raiders?”

Owen was staring at the stick and saying nothing. Absolutely nothing.

“Ava,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Okay, I’m going. It’s been real. Congrats again. And sorry. And congrats. K. Bye.” She fled down the hall and the front door shut behind her a moment later.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you first. I mean, I’m sorry I didn’t take the test with you. I just got a wild hair, and Ava was here, and she pushed me into doing it right then— No, that’s a lie, I wanted to do it right then, and I didn’t want to get your hopes up, but then again, I didn’t know you’d come home in a cranky pants mood.”

“Are you quite finished?”

I flipped through my jumbled thoughts. “Yes. For now.”

“You’re pregnant.” His gray eyes, so like the windswept water of his beloved country during a storm, roamed over my face and down to my belly. His gaze lingered there, as if he was trying to see through my clothes.

I could help him with that, as the longer he looked at me with those sex eyes, the closer I came to getting naked.

Hell, I was pregnant. Might as well fuck like a bunny while I still had good range of motion.


He frowned and brought his gaze back up to mine. “Yes? Question mark on the end?”

“No, it’s pretty definitive, I’d say.”

“If you’ve taken only one test—”