He snagged two beers and handed one to Ethan before heading back down the hall to the bathroom.

She tried to get her hair out of her face, but noticed Ethan grabbing a bottle of water for her before he followed them to the bathroom.

She smiled. Those were her guys. Again, she’d never change them. Even if Luc was a caveman more than half the time.

He was still her caveman. And he brought out the fun in Ethan too. All in all, she had it pretty perfect.

Luc slid her down his body and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he stepped into the large shower. “Let’s see if we can dirty you up a little more before we get you all sparkly clean for practice.”

She looped her arms around his neck. “I like the sound of that.”

Ethan stepped in behind him and shut the door. “I vote very dirty.”

Luc grinned. “That’s what I like to hear, Professor.”

If you’d like to learn more about Molly, Ethan, and Luc, as well as the band, Warning Sign, check out the complete Found in Oblivion series or visit quinnandelliott.com for more details about our Oblivion World!



April of the following year,

after getting married and all that good stuff

“This stick says pregnant.”

I didn’t open my eyes. Didn’t even breathe. “No, it doesn’t.”

“Actually, yes, it does. I can read, Cal. It says pregnant.”

“I don’t think so. It can’t be. We’ve been trying for months, and nothing.”

“You know what they say about returning to the scene of the crime. With the way you two go at it, you’re sure you don’t have a couple muffins in that incubator?”

“You’re mixing your metaphors,” I told my sister as I faced the mirror and pulled my ordinary yellow top in tighter to my stomach. “I haven’t gained any weight. My boobs aren’t even bigger.”

“First, she’s pregnant by a smokin’ hot Irish rockstar. Then I’m supposed to be sad for her that she’s gonna squeeze out his offspring and isn’t even gaining any weight for her trouble? Nope, sorry.” Ava came up behind me and dropped her chin to my shoulder, a wide grin wreathing her face. “Congratulations, mama.”

I met my sister’s bright green eyes in the mirror and started to smile. The corners of my mouth lifted, prepared for liftoff, and then, without warning, water gushed from my eyes.

“Oh my God. Really? Is this really happening?” I whirled around to hug my sister and she laughed and hugged me back, dancing and sniffling and laughing with me.

We babbled incoherently at one another for probably three minutes before the front door of our apartment slammed. “Calliope, where are you?”

The weepy, giggly dancefest ended abruptly in the bathroom.

Ava held a finger up to her mouth. “Shh. Maybe he won’t know we’re here.”

Playfully, I shoved her and passed a hand over my hair. There was no making myself presentable. I had makeup smeared around my eyes and my nose was as red as the famous reindeer’s. I sounded as if I had a severe cold.

This so wasn’t the way I wanted to tell Owen we were having a baby—finally. It seemed like it had taken forever, but in actuality, we’d only tried for a few months.

Memorable ones at that. We’d worked our way through some positions that even my highly deviant mind couldn’t come up with on its own, never mind figure out how to re-enact without help.

He’d had a rough day in the studio from the sounds of things. Maybe I should wait until a better time to tell him. Maybe—

Maybe he was standing in the doorway, a snarl on his normally easygoing face as his sexy gray eyes zeroed in on what Ava still held in her hand.