She swallowed down a bubble of crazy laughter. “I guess you will.”

It felt good to laugh with them. It had been awhile since she’d been able to do it easily.

She wasn’t the only one.

The laugh lines that crinkled beside Luc’s eyes were deep and authentic. She cupped his jaw and pressed a soft kiss along his high cheekbone. “I’ve missed seeing this smile.”

He pressed his forehead to hers. “I’m trying to find my way back to happy, Mol.”

“I know.” He relaxed his hold, and she slid down his side before cupping his length. “Now I have plans for this.” Ethan came up beside her and she grasped him as well. “I know he does,” she said to Ethan with a smile.

There was little doubt there. Especially with the heat swarming in his gray eyes. She laced her fingers with Ethan, then Luc and led them to the mirror. Luc’s gaze slid to the glass and his eyes lit with that fire she saw each night during shows. The excitement and challenge that echoed inside of her now in ways she couldn’t have predicted.

He was the other half of her on stage. The missing piece she never knew was missing. His voice and his words in the lyrics they were building together with the band made everything matter so much more than it had before. Somehow amazing things were growing amongst the ashes of anger and despair.

They’d get there. She knew it. Even more, she believed in the rightness of them deep down, which was new for her. That bone-deep certainty was blooming thanks to the love she’d found here with these two men. They helped her believe in herself in ways she never dreamed possible.

She let them go, then turned and placed her palms on the mirror. She tossed her hair back over her shoulder. “I’ve been aching for the both of you since we walked in here. Don’t make me wait any longer.”

Ethan stepped behind her. He draped her hair back over her shoulder and dropped a sweet kiss at the base of her neck. “As much as I love all this gold, I need access to you, love. I don’t want anything between us but skin.”

She dropped her chin to her chest. “Yes. So much yes.”

Luc loomed behind Ethan in the mirror. More gold and warmth in the tumble of rich hair and strong features. His beautiful face even more angular and strong with the beard he’d grown. It made him look older, harder sometimes, but no less hers.

Her Luc with his surprising gentleness underneath the rough exterior.

Luc slipped his arm around both Ethan and her, his fingers teasing down between her thighs. “I can’t wait to feel him wet with you. So I can have both of you on me.”

Her thighs trembled as Ethan added his hand over Luc’s. They both stroked along her cleft, their fingers slipping along each other’s as they parted her. She wasn’t sure whose finger slid inside of her. She’d been an active audience for so long, she’d almost forgotten about herself and her own mounting needs.

Even now, she had to watch. To see everything.

Luc crowded into Ethan, who in turn pressed closer to her until the cool glass met her breasts. She hissed out a breath. A hand slid out from between her thighs. She couldn’t quite see who but then she felt the thick length of Ethan against her.

And she knew.

Luc opened his fingers to peel her apart as Ethan’s cock slid between her thighs and brushed along her lips.

“Look down, Bluebird.” Luc’s voice was a growling whisper. “I can feel him and you. Mine. Both of you, mine.”

She looked down. She really didn’t have a choice.

Ethan groaned against her neck and thrusted harder between her thighs. Not entering her, not yet, but so close.

“Is he inside you again?” she asked Ethan.

“Fuck.” Ethan’s voice was guttural.

That answered her question. She went up on her toes to assist in the angle. They might have wanted to toy with her, but enough was enough. She needed a cock inside of her right fucking now.

Ethan slipped inside of her and she sighed, but the relief was gone in an instant. Luc slapped her clit then rubbed it with tight little circles. She shouted out a name, both names. Fuck. She hadn’t been prepared. Hadn’t realized she was so very close.

Ethan groaned and it took a moment for them to get themselves lined up. So much to take and make sense of. Hands and heat and the stretch of Ethan’s thick cock inside of her. She cried out as they both pressed her into the glass. So tight and full and there was no end to them. It was as if they were all one. A unit.

Hips aligned and her thighs shook with the effort to hold the position when she wanted to curl into herself and hold Ethan tight inside of her. She’d asked for this and it was even better than she’d imagined.

Luc’s fingers shook as he got closer to the limit. She managed to look up to see his head thrown back and sweat rolling down his temples. Ethan’s hand burrowed under hers on the glass for purchase as he slammed inside of her, taking the powerful thrust of her other lover until they were a chain of slick flesh and sweat.