“Well, you didn’t use a plural in that statement, Professor.”

His fingers dipped lower and teased over the top of her slit. “I’ll do better if you do.”

She swallowed hard.

“I think she needs to do some lunges, how about you, Luc?” Ethan raised his voice to carry to Luc. “Actually, both of you could use some.”

Luc’s jaw tightened, but he nodded.

Ethan took the long bar away from her and came back with two dumbbells. He handed them to her, then went around behind her and held her hips as he shifted her leg forward. “Down on your knee.”

She looked over her shoulder. “Just one? You usually like me on both.”

He straightened her shoulders. “Focus, love.”

She shivered. Ethan threw that word around so easily, and she certainly adored getting used to it.

He lined up his body with hers and dipped down with her. His cock dug into her ass as he held them tightly together. She tried to keep her breathing even as they’d both shown her, but it was hard to concentrate with Ethan behind her and Luc in front of her, mirroring her moves.

Only Luc’s legs were rippling with muscle and his cock was tenting his shorts. Her legs felt more like unruly Jell-O molds, but she concentrated on finding her rhythm.

When Ethan had her change legs, he added a little something extra to each downward move. He slipped his fingers below the elastic and deep between her thighs. Not just his fingers, his whole hand until she was completely invaded.

Not inside her. Well, not all his fingers. Just the middle two as the rest cupped her pussy. When she came back up, his hand returned to her belly.

“Feel how your middle tightens with each dip?”

“Um, no.” How was she supposed to pay attention to anything else but his damn hands?

Ethan nipped her ear. “Watch Luc.”

She did and she had to admit his form was rather lovely. His thighs bunched and his abs rippled and tightened. At least what she could see. “Take off your shirt. I can’t see all the good stuff.”

Ethan laughed in her ear. “We can’t see the good stuff.”

She shrugged. “Good point. Strip, Moreau.”

Luc dropped his dumbbells—far larger than her own—and came up from his lunge. His chest heaved with exertion for a second, his eyes almost remote. Then he reached behind his shoulders and dragged his shirt up and off.

Blasted man knew that it made her crazy when he did that. And today was no exception. In fact, it may have increased her level of sweat. She couldn’t really tell, since her body was overheated in too many ways.

She knew it affected them both, because Ethan’s groan echoed hers.

“Think you can keep up with me, Bluebird.”


She was fairly certain she could not, but pride goeth and all that bullshit. She cracked her neck a little. “Bring it.”

Luc lifted his hand weights and got back into formation. “Twenty. Two sets of ten to be exact.”

“Fuck,” she whispered.

Ethan snorted. “You sure about this?”

“No.” She knew her tone was petulant, but she wasn’t going to back down.

“Oh, and that extra help from Ethan…” Luc’s voice was a low growl. “That would be included.”