She sucked back a laugh. “Excuse me, sir. I’m doing my reps.”

“Terribly sorry.” Ethan pulled her flush against his sweaty front and tucked his thumbs into the front of her pants. “Carry on.”

“And this is helpful how?”

“I’m making sure your form is correct.”

“Uh huh.”

The clang of weights dragged her attention away to where Luc was doing some overhead lift thing with a pulley and handle. They both sighed as his biceps bulged thanks to an ungodly amount of weight stacked behind him.

There was a reason he was the size he was. She’d just never been up close and personal with his workout situation. She wasn’t entirely sure her sweat was worth it, but the view was damn inspiring.

Her eyes widened. Evidently, Ethan liked the scenery as well. She brushed her ass against him. “Is that a dumbbell behind me?”

He drew up his hand to cup her breast, the other still at the waistband of her pants. “I beg your pardon?” He found her nipple and tugged mercilessly.

She ground her ass against him harder. “I can’t imagine any of what’s going on in front of us would cause a problem, Professor. I mean, those are just muscles. A bit of biology is all. The way his chest arrows down to that flat stomach isn’t at all interesting.”

Ethan growled in her ear.

“And those biceps and triceps and other things. Totally boring. Especially that vein in his neck that’s popping out with each pull. Then again, I have some ideas about what to do to keep his arms above his head like that.”

“Is that right?”

“For science, of course.”

“Of course.” Ethan nuzzled her neck. His thumb dragged her pants a little lower. He trailed his fingers over the skin he revealed. “Tell me more.”


“That is not working out, Bluebird. And the professor is an instigator.” Luc’s face was serious, but there was something else in his eyes. Even from where she was, with machines between them, she could see the interest in his gaze. Along with the flare of his nostrils and a stirring in those oversized sweats he’d chopped off at the knee.

Luc might have a one-track mind about keeping them safe in all ways, but he still was a man. A very sexual one who she loved to distraction. And as far as she was concerned, a little distraction was what they all needed.

Things had been very tense and upside down since that night. Eggshells, anger, sadness, and ultimately, all the amazing that had come out of the band becoming a unit had been blown to pieces in a mere moment.

She couldn’t fix that right now. But she could start mending her boys back together. Preferably with her in the middle.

Or maybe Luc in the middle.

She wasn’t picky.

“I don’t think you finished your set.” Luc hissed out even breaths as he powered through another half dozen pulls.

She rolled her eyes and did the curls as Luc had directed. With each matching exhale with Luc, Ethan’s stroking fingers dipped lower.

Luc’s eyes went hooded as he followed each inch of skin that Ethan revealed. Her arms shook a little as she got to the tenth curl.

She wasn’t sure if it was because of her underused muscles or the fact that Ethan was teasing her without any damn follow through.

The weights snapped together behind Luc.

“You can do more than that, Rockstar,” Ethan said behind her.

“Which one are you talking to?” she asked.

“Both of you.”