He returned her measured look. “When we get back.”

“Yes. It’s only a few weeks.”

“A few weeks that will be impossibly better with you and my babies with me. And your mother, especially if she brings pie. Or better yet, she can make some pies on the bus?” His voice rose hopefully as Li laughed quietly.

“Your appetite never ceases.”

His gaze dropped to her perfect breasts, tilted upward at a mouth-watering angle thanks to her pose on the desk. “Damn straight it doesn’t.”

She inched closer, widening her thighs so that her skirt climbed higher on her legs. Much more and he’d get a glimpse of her panties. Wondering what color they were was an endless source of fascination for him.

Then she reached for his belt, yanking him to her. “You know this is wrong.”

Hmm. She was saying one thing and doing another. Still on Donovan’s desk. He was getting harder by the second.

“So wrong,” he echoed. “We shouldn’t.”

“You’re my client. Our relationship is strictly business.” She traced the holes on his belt and his cock jerked behind his zipper. “There are boundaries we shouldn’t cross. It’s not proper.”

Oh hell, she was role-playing. Or past-reliving. Not that she’d said exactly those words to him.

She’d said others though, ones that had pissed him off at the time and could be reused now.

“It’s not wrong if we keep it a secret.” He reached down and traced the lacy tops of her hose. She’d worn the same kind that night he’d first bent her over the table at the cabin, and discovering the secret delicacy of her underthings beneath her cool, crisp business suit had driven him mad.

Now he was all too aware of the frilly shit she wore under her suits. And he longed for her with every damn breath.

“No one can know.” With his other hand, he sculpted the line of her jaw and sank his hand into her hair, yanking her head back until their eyes were level. “Just one time. Then you’re supposed to walk away and forget. Can you handle that?”

“No.” Her breath shuddered out as she pulled his belt free and let it drop. “I couldn’t forget a single moment.”

The backs of his eyes burned hot for an instant at the memory of absorbing those words from her, knowing that one time might be all they would ever have. Going to Simon’s and fighting with his best friend when he taunted him over having a fruitless crush on Lila that would never come to anything when he still fucking smelled like her.

He drew her to him and flipped her over, belly-first on the desk, almost forgetting to check his strength until the last second. That flash of bared flesh beneath her skirt—soft, pale thighs above her silky hose—reminded him that he wasn’t in that past, and he didn’t even want to pretend.

Living through that moment once had been plenty.

“You’re mine. Now and always.” He spoke against her hair as he fisted her skirt and tugged it up to reveal her scalloped edge white panties. Pure. Virginal. She’d come to him nearly that way. Married but so inexperienced.

Now everything was so different, and this difference was magical.

He undid the clip in her hair one-handed and sent it flying, needing to see that wild tangle spread out in every direction. He didn’t undo the rest of her blouse, didn’t remove the trim jacket. Didn’t have the control left for that. Later, much later, when they were at home, he would do this the right way.

Now was all about possession, and vanquishing the past. Burning through it with the present.

He didn’t rip her panties. She would’ve expected that. Instead he went to his knees and found her through them with his mouth, tracing her slit with his tongue and lips while she muffled sounds against her fist. Scraping her knuckles raw with her teeth as he teased with the edges of his thumbs, pressing the already damp material inward, making it wetter with his erotic kisses. Then peeling it back to rub his tongue over her until she squirmed, her thighs locking tighter around his head. The blotter beneath her body shifted, and he shoved at it, needing her right where he wanted her. Forcing her thighs apart so that he could devour her without pause, finally sealing his lips around the throbbing button of her clit and slipping two fingers inside. She rocketed back against him, her pussy squeezing him to the point he had to get up and undo his pants or risk not fathering any more children. He undid his pants one hand, continuing to finger fuck her almost lazily. She looked over her shoulder at the sound of his zipper, heaving her hair out of her face.

“Hurry the hell up.”

It made him smile and slow his fingers even more. She pulsed around him, a heartbeat from orgasm, and he was the sadistic bastard who intended to keep her suspended there so he could feel every drip and squeeze around his dick.

“In a rush?” He freed his cock from his boxers and fisted it for one painful second before roughly rubbing her ass cheek, first one then the other. The fingers of his other hand continued their sensual assault, and he added a third just to hear her gasp. “Afraid Donovan is going to come back and catch us?”

Nick’s gaze flicked to the door and he frowned. He didn’t see her touch the security panel he knew had to be hidden in a drawer on Donovan’s desk, but she must’ve. She took her job extremely seriously. If she was doing this, she had to be confident that they wouldn’t be caught, but fuck, what about the cameras? They were all over this joint. He hadn’t even thought about them.

His hand slowed and Li rocked against him, coiling her leg around his to draw him closer as she reached back for his length. She was on her feet and grasping him tightly against her ass cheeks before he could counter, and he buried his face in her fragrant hair. The sweet scent of apples and sex deluged his senses and he drowned in it, savoring the pulls of her hand even as his brain scrambled to throw up a stop sign.

Donovan’s office. Donovan’s desk. Her boss. If she somehow didn’t take the necessary precautions, she could get in serious trouble.