To chase the darkness away, he picked her up again, holding her against him so her long hair tumbled down and curtained them in. “See, who needs a gym? I carry around my super-hot wife and same difference.”

Shaking her head, she laughed and sifted her fingers through his hair as he toted her back to Donovan’s desk. “You’re okay with my mom coming?”

“I love your mother. She says strange stuff sometimes, but pot, kettle. Also, the girls adore her.” He set her down on the blotter again and started on her buttons, waiting for Li’s requisite protests to kick in.

Instead she locked her leg around the back of his thighs. “This is probably wrong.”

“Probably? I was certain this would count as definitely wrong in your book. You’ve clearly been hanging out with an unsavory crowd.”

“Just a crowd of one.” She tapped her thumb against his stomach. “And he’s very savory, enough that I’m dying to get him in my mouth.”

He nearly groaned. Would have, in fact, if what she’d said earlier didn’t strike the base of his skull like an anvil.

“You broke down at the doctor’s office.”

She blinked, her bluebell eyes already hazy. “We can talk about that later.”

“No. We can’t.” He grabbed her hand when it detoured for his zipper, wondering how he’d becomethisguy. The one who worried his kids had a parent or grandparent with them as often as possible, who put off sex with a hot blond—who he just happened to be married to, thank God—in favor of discussing difficult subjects.

The world had tipped off its axis and he was clinging to the side with a hard-on.

“I’m not saying you need to talk to me. But you need to talk to someone.”

Lila blew out a breath. “It can’t be Margo right now. She’s dealing with so much stuff of her own with Jules. Also, I’m not sure, but I think something is going on with her and Simon.”

“Something like what?”

“I don’t know. She’s been odd lately, not talkative at all.”

“Like you?”

“Touché.” She sighed. “But yes, probably. The last few months have been so tough. I don’t begrudge her not speaking to me about her feelings. It’s not as if I’ve been any different. It’s just seems as if there’s more going on with them.”

“Married people are weird.”

“Thank you, Dr. Phil.” She was smiling at him though, so he figured his odds of getting lucky—on Donovan’s desk no less—were still high.

“Donovan really didn’t have a problem with bringing in therapists?” Nick went back to undoing her buttons, slowly. So slowly. Both for the seduction of it and because he hadn’t quite said his piece yet.

His piece wanted nothing more than to be between those creamy thighs, but unfortunately, there were other matters on the desk. Uh, table.

“It took some convincing. He thinks business and personal lives should be separate, no matter how much of a family we bill ourselves as. More than the standard record company and artist relationship. Still, it’s a sticky area. He didn’t want to cross lines.” She toyed with her slim bangle watch. “Ultimately, he wanted to do what was best for everyone. Being PC isn’t as important as taking care of his people.”

“You respect the guy.”

“I do. I’ve worked for him for a long time, and he’s never made it seem as if I didn’t have an equal say.”

“Are you going to talk to a counselor?”

“Yes.” She exhaled. “I think I am.”

It was easier than he expected to give her a quick nod. “Good. Me too.”

“About Mal?”

“Ha. No. He’s good for my sister. At least she says he is, so not my business. If that changes, I’ll break his fingers, not discuss it with someone I don’t know.” He flexed his hand, gripping her shirt. “All the rest. I’m going to try to talk about it. Try,” he repeated, just so she didn’t expect miracles. He wasn’t an emotive dude, and he didn’t see how a couple of counseling sessions would change that. But he could make an effort—for her, and for himself.

“Can’t ask for more than that. I’m trying too.”