Everything was different. That sense that the world was basically okay had been shattered.

Nothing would ever be the same again.

Clenching his jaw, he stared out into the night. The twinkling lights of LA glittered, like diamonds that only shined on the surface. Go beneath and the core wasn’t nearly so frigging shiny.

“I don’t want to go on tour.” Her hand stopped rubbing his back, but its light pressure didn’t lift. “As for the other, I never needed counseling before. I handled what I had to.”

“You don’t want to go?”

He shifted to look at her. “You don’t want me to go either.”

“Of course, I don’t.” She shook her head as if he was daft. “Did you hear any of what I said?”

“But this is a great move for Oblivion, and for Ripper—”

“That’s true. But I don’t give a whit about profit and loss sheets when it comes to the man I love being away from me.” Even after everything that had come before, he was still processing his always business-minded wife saying money didn’t matter when she continued. “And the people I love being so far away from me. Margo and Simon, Deacon and Harper, Gray and Jazz—they’re all my family too.” She hooked her fingers in the belt loops of his pants and tugged him in close, resting her forehead against his chin. “Which is why I’m coming with you, and we can maybe try making a baby in Prague or something. Or just practice.”

“Prague? Hmm, that’s a thought. It is cold as fuck there right now. What better way to keep warm.” He was still so stuck on the idea of getting Li pregnant—intentionally this time—he almost missed the rest. Gripping her shoulders, he drew back. “Wait, what? You’re coming with us? How? I thought Lord Lewis was sending someone else over instead since you’re wrapped up here training the new rep.”

“Why do you think I’ve been working so many long hours?”

“To get away from me?”

She didn’t smile. “I never want to get away from you. I didn’t always want to spill how I was feeling, and I knew you’d drag it out of me. But that’s not the same thing.”

“Dragging is dangerous business. Usually involves being dragged yourself.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “So you’re coming with me. For real.”

“Yes. Donovan is rearranging schedules to make it work. More than one new person is coming in, but Sabrina doesn’t need handholding. She’s built quite a successful business on her own as a reputation fixer, so learning our ropes won’t be as difficult as it would be for some. The other person Donovan hired is greener, but—”

“Reputation fixer? What the hell is that?” He waved his hand. “Never mind. Let’s get back to me fucking you in Prague.” He frowned. “What about the girls? We have a rule—”

“My first thought was Ricki and Mal.”

“Oh hell no. You think that behemoth can properly keep my kids alive for a week?”

Delicately, Li cleared her throat. “Ourkids.”

Nick grunted.

“Besides, Ricki would be there, and she’s great with the girls. You know that.”

Nick didn’t answer. That was true, but still, Mal, caring for children? No. He wasn’t practicing on their girls.

“God willing, they’re going to have their own babies someday, you know,” Li chided. “He’ll figure it out. I’ve known other clueless men who managed to raise children just fine.”

Nick narrowed his eyes. “I will ignore that statement.”

“Luckily, I came up with another solution.”

Nick grunted again. Better be a more feasible one than the last. Mal. Seriously? He probably wouldn’t even keep them from chewing on cords or falling off the furniture.

“My mother is coming with us. She’s going to help with them while we’re working. So the bus will be more crowded than usual.” Li’s lips curved. “That whole fucking me in Prague thing will require creativity.”

“I do always love a challenge. And I love you. Thank you for saving our children from over-large men without any native child-rearing skills.”

“That over-large man will be your brother-in-law soon enough. Might as well come to terms with it.”

“Maybe that’s the first thing I should discuss in therapy.” He’d said it to be funny, but the shadow that crossed her face was anything but.