Relief washed over her face and her eyes filled again. “Oh my God, yes. I don’t know if I could handle losing you, Simon.”

“I’ve been thinking the same kind of thoughts. My life was pretty fucking bleak before you, woman.” He kissed her hard and deep until she relaxed against him again. “Even those months after we broke up, I was near crazy. I can’t imagine if I’d never see you again.”

She nodded. “Me too.”

“I hate to think about it, but how can you not? I think we’re all holding each other closer. It’s the only thing we can do to get through this.”

He didn’t have a way to stop the morbid thoughts. They were plaguing him too. All he could do was be there for her. Facing their mortality had touched all of them a little differently.

“The only thing I know is that I will never take you for granted.” He touched her cheek. “Definitely not after this. Each day is a gift. One that I hope to fuck I’m worthy of sharing with you.”

“You are.” Her tears were coming in earnest now.

A few years ago, he would have bolted from them. Tears were messy and hard to face. Not anymore.

He held her and let her cry out the fear and pain. And he didn’t run or try to tell her to stop, because he was so damn glad she was sharing her feelings with him.

When they finally passed and she fell asleep in his arms, he did nothing but hold her closer.

Later, as the watery gray light of morning filled their room, he gathered her and the sheet into his arms and brought her back onto the patio.


“Shhh.” He settled on the huge lounger with her in his lap.

They didn’t say anything as the sun rose and the ocean waves welcomed them to a new day. A day that would require them to go back to their crazy life and the family who needed them.

But they’d go back together. And they were definitely a little stronger.

“Ready to go home?”

Margo cupped his cheek. “Just a few minutes longer.”

“You got it, Violin Girl.”

If you missed the origin story of Margo and Simon, please check out Destroyed, Consumed, and Committed.

Read the complete Lost in Oblivion series or visit for more details about our Oblivion World!



The details of this bonus story come AFTERRaw Rhythm,Found in Oblivion Book 6. So, if you are not fully caught up with theFound in Oblivionseries we are warning you now. SPOILERS!

February 13th

“I want to see my wife.”

Donovan’s admin didn’t look up from whatever she was typing. “She’s in a meeting with Mr. Lewis. If you’ll take a seat—”

“Look, I’ve been waiting half an hour already. I’m sure you didn’t even tell her I was here.”

She flicked a glance at him and away as if he were no worthier of her attention than a gnat. “I most certainly did. She advised you to take a seat.”

Nick didn’t growl, but it was a close thing. “Why do I doubt that?”

Donovan’s admin kept typing away merrily, her keystrokes seeming to keep time with the jazz playing through unseen speakers. “Doubt as you wish. She hasn’t come to retrieve you, now has she?”