She’d been so totally immersed in taking care of her sister when she’d allow it, as well as the McCoy family, that she was neglecting her own. And that wasn’t fair. Simon was her life and her heart. More so than she had ever thought possible.

This man-child had matured in the last few years. Some because of necessity, but most of it was thanks to all the things that had happened to the Oblivion band as a whole. Between the in-fighting, his vocal issues, and their own romance—shit had gotten very real since the day she’d met that cocky guy who had swaggered into that studio.

And she wouldn’t change a single day of it. Even the pain. Simon made her feel everything. He’d showed her just how very gray her life had been before him.

Just the idea of losing him—she couldn’t. The guilt had been eating at her for weeks now. She was focused on helping her sister and Harper get through this loss. But in the darkest parts of the night, it was the thought of losing Simon that left her gasping for breath. Of trying to control the sobs that attacked her in the shower.

There was no rhyme or reason to the tragedy. It had been an accident.

But that didn’t stop the what ifs. The endless churn of scenarios she created in her head, or that sneaked up on her in sleep. If she were in her sister’s shoes, could she survive losing her husband?

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

She swallowed down the lump threatening to strangle her. “Like what?”

“Like you’re looking for something. I’m deep as a puddle, babe. I told you to stop thinking too hard about my motivations.”

The laugh rolled out of her before she could stop it. “You’re far deeper than a puddle, jerk. But this time I was thinking what an awesome husband I have and I’ve been neglecting him.”

“Oh.” His face relaxed. “Yes, you do.”

“Humble as always.”

He smirked, took her hand, and dragged her toward the door. “You like my cocky side.”

“No, you keep mistaking that with my love for your cock.”

His head whipped back around and he groaned. “Don’t say cock. I get too excited when you use dirty words.”

She shook her head and followed him out into the waning sun. Sunset was nearly upon them and the runway was on a strip of land beside a maze of villas overlooking the ocean.

The sky was a cloudless blue with the first fingers of gold and red creeping across it, heralding the end of the day. But hers was just beginning.

They flew down the stairs and Simon headed for the trio of golf carts where a slim man in all white was waiting for them.

“Welcome to Fox Run, Mr. and Mrs. Kagan. I’m Anders, your personal concierge. I have your bags already.”

She gave Simon some serious side-eye, but he just shrugged and grinned at her.

Anders gestured for them to climb into the cart. “I’ll take you to your private villa. You’re just in time for sunset if we hurry.”

“By all means, let’s hurry. We only have tonight.” Simon led her to the back of the cart.

A few moments later, they were cruising up the winding streets far quicker than she would have expected. This thing could move. She half expected the cart to veer off, but Anders drove expertly up the curving road.

A Spanish stucco-style half wall ran along the edge of the property. Trees and lush grass were visible as far as she could see. The ocean roared in the distance and the sky exploded with color.

Finally, they came to a house at the top of the cliffs. Even the view from outside the door was breathtaking.

“Please head inside. I’ll bring your things.”

Simon dragged her off the cart and through the front door. She barely had time to look around at the wide-open spaces and sheer white curtains dancing in the breeze. He had one focus. “I booked this place for the view.”

“I can see why.” She trailed behind him, her gaze tripping over pieces in the space—a four-poster king-sized bed on a raised dais, and a water feature that bisected the room with gold-veined marble. But it was the pair of French doors leading out to the ocean that was the true beacon. It always had been for them.

“You didn’t even see the good one yet. It reminded me of the church.” He pushed through the French doors at the back of the room. And just like that, the ocean was there with its limitless scope of power.

The sky was streaked in crimson and blue with edges the color of flames. It looked like it belonged in a movie.