
Then the doorknob turned and Gray walked in, his eyes solely on her. Nick’s fingers tightened around hers before flexing and relaxing. He was going to let her go.

“I followed you,” Gray said, answering the question she didn’t have balls or breath to ask. “You borrowed my car to come here?”

Gray shut the door and placed a hand on the wood above his head, standing there so long that her heart leaped into her throat. What would he do? Start a fight with Nick? With her? She wanted to jump up and go to him, just rest her cheek against his back and tell him everything was okay, that she was sorry, even if she wasn’t sure why. They weren’t a couple. He’d never said anything to make her think he wanted more.

Gray turned and strode to the couch, his gaze colliding with hers. Holding it as he knelt in front of her, his Adam’s apple rising and falling with every breath. So much was shared between them in that single glance that she feared she’d start to hyperventilate. She clenched Nick’s hand, unable to move a muscle. Waiting. Always waiting.

When Gray finally leaned toward her, her spine locked up in abject panic. She couldn’t do this. She had to.

His mouth clashed with hers, the softness of his lips in complete opposition to how wildly he kissed her. He didn’t give her a chance to open for him, just forged his way in and seized her tongue, sucking ferociously. The pulse in her throat bolted between her thighs, throbbing there. Making her so hot and wet.

Her brain whirled, her thoughts colliding and tumbling over themselves. She didn’t understand this. She and Gray were alone every day. If he’d wanted to kiss her before, why wait until now? Why do it in front of Nick, who he hated?

Understanding whispered through her mind as Gray’s hands dropped to the bottom of her shirt. The reason he was doing this now, this way, obviously wasn’t about her. Or them. He was using her as leverage in his war with Nick. They’d fought over the band, now they were going to each take one of her arms and pull.

If she had any self-respect, she’d push Gray’s hands away from her shirt and get up and leave. She didn’t. Maybe it made her weak, but if this was the only way she’d get a crack at him, she’d take it. At least part of him would be open to her again, instead of closed as he’d been for so very long.

And if Nick wasn’t crazy, if Gray really did have feelings for her…perhaps this could even be some kind of beginning for them. Somehow. She’d had to take the chance.

Gray tugged up her shirt and over her head, breaking her link with Nick. Before she could come to terms with the fact that she sat naked from the waist up in front of two guys—two guys she cared about a lot, in very different ways—Gray was on the move again, his fast fingers flicking over the clasp of her bra. Springing it open, pushing it down her arms.

Goose bumps rose over her skin despite the heat of the day. She felt so exposed, so uncertain. Did he like what he saw? Did Nick? Being with one guy was nerve-racking enough. Two was almost more than she could bear.

Gray’s eyes fired, the gray warming from that arctic chill she’d seen way too long. Then he gripped her cheek and yanked her mouth to his, plunging his tongue between her lips with the same speed he did everything else. They kissed until her breath ran out and her limbs shook from her excitement and need. Easing her back, he looked into her eyes, deeply enough to see everything she hid from the world. The desire she saw made her move back from him, toward the other man who’d shifted away.

Since this twisted, territorial scenario was fueling Gray’s longing, she’d do her part to make him remember it.

Without letting herself think, she crawled into Nick’s lap and rubbed her hands over his chest, feeling the muscles bunch and ripple under her palms. Testingly, she brushed her breasts against his skin. Looking back at Gray, aching for that reassurance that she wasn’t reading this all wrong, she released a breath at his minute nod.

Yes, this was what he wanted.

She wanted it too. After so long of having no one touch her, she craved this. Two pairs of hands on her flesh might finally warm up the solid block of cold deep inside.

Jazz slipped her hand under the waistband of Nick’s pajama pants and gripped his cock, grateful that he was hard. Really hard. She’d been afraid she’d find him barely aroused. She was no pinup model. Yeah, she had curves, but they were as small as the rest of her. Compared with all the long-legged, summer-tanned-all-year-round blondes in her midst, her pale skin and petite features seemed horribly out of place.

But judging from Nick’s erection, he didn’t find her lacking. At all. Unless he was turned on by watching her and Gray make out…

A near-hysterical giggle tried to bubble out of her throat so she shimmied down Nick’s body to distract herself. She pulled out his length, startled a little to see the pearl of wetness at the tip. He really liked what was happening.

So did Gray.

Obviously she was the slow one. She took her mind off her worries and focused on how much she wanted to be touched. She was as tactile as a kitten, and she longed for those strokes even more than she wanted to come. Orgasms were easy. Feeling loved, cherished, wanted—even for an instant—that was precious.

Gray shifted behind her and she stiffened until his warm, rough palms covered her breasts. She couldn’t suppress a moan. God, this was what she needed. His hands on her. All over her. He licked her shoulder and she pressed back against him, pleading for more. Please touch me. Don’t stop. Ever again.

Nick ran his thumb between her breasts, sliding upward and easing his finger between her lips. Gray made some noise behind her, approval or disapproval, she didn’t know. She sucked on Nick’s thumb, closing her eyes to try to lose herself in the moment. Gray massaged her breasts harder, increasing the pulsing waves of heat through her core. He switched to stimulating her nipples, plucking them between his long fingers, causing her to arch and moan.

Nick undid her jeans and shoved them down. “Up,” he growled, the husky urgency in his tone prodding her to her feet.

She swayed and fought to get off her panties, jeans, socks and boots, her jerky movements faltering as Nick pulled open the drawer of a side table and took out some condoms.

A lot of condoms.

Enough to have more sex than she’d had in the whole of her life up to that point.

Behind her, Gray was getting naked too. Knowing he would be as vulnerable as she was helped steady her hands. It wasn’t the same for guys, of course, but it still helped. She was used to having him at her side, and he would be with her tonight as well.