Johnny chuckled at Harper’s response. “Does your husband enjoy it rough, sweetheart? Is that why you have such a mouth on you?”

Jazz stepped forward until she was between Harper and Johnny. “I think the main problem is that her mouth will never be on you, so why don’t you back the fuck up and go find some other hydrant to piss on?”

“Ooh, big talk from such a little thing.” Johnny flicked one of Jazz’s braids and licked his lips. “Bet it doesn’t take too much to quiet you down, huh, baby?”

Rage bubbled up inside Jazz so fast that a haze of crimson briefly obliterated Johnny’s distractingly attractive features. She was about to respond when a hand landed on each of Johnny’s bullish arms and yanked him back.

“I suggest you watch what you say, fucker.” Gray jerked Johnny’s arm.

“Or else we’ll wire your jaw shut permanently,” Nick echoed from the other side, his grip every bit as tight as Gray’s.

Jazz looked between them, bewildered. Where had they even come from? She hadn’t realized they were being observed. All they needed now was for Deak to—

“Boys, boys, boys.” Deak cut through the crowd, strolling slowly but determinedly toward the group that had gathered near the food table. “Johnny, are you causing trouble again? I thought I handled it the last time you decided to say more than you should.”

“You didn’t handle shit, you steroid-popping motherfucker.” Johnny spat between Deak’s boots as he came to a stop, but instead of that pissing Deak off more, he just smiled.

Scary-smiled, so that even Jazz shivered. Deacon was not the kind of guy you wanted to piss off, especially when his wife was involved. He’d eat you for breakfast and not bother picking you out of his teeth before lunch.

“Honey,” Harper began, stepping forward to lay a hand on Deak’s wrist. Obviously she sensed the same trouble that anyone with a pulse could. “He’s so not worth it.”

“Oh, I think you’d say otherwise after a night with me, sweetheart. Wanna try a swap? I’m game.” Johnny’s gaze swung back to Jazz and lingered until it felt like tiny ants marched inside her veins. “Although I have to say, I think pink is more my color.”

“You even think about touching her and I’ll fucking break your arm and shove it down your throat.”

Before Johnny could react to Gray’s low threat, Nick tossed in one of his own. “Want to die, Has Been? Because we can get you there faster. Just try it and see.”

“Enough.” The sharp command sliced through the tension in the air, reverberating like a slap. Lila strode up between the guys and skewered her nail into Nick’s chest. “Let him go and step back.”

Nick stared at Lila as if she were a strung-out methhead. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Go cool off somewhere and keep this nonsense off my property.”

“Your property? You own a country club I don’t know about, Strawberry?”

Lila turned away from Nick without responding to his taunt, but from the pinch around her mouth, she was about ready to land some punches of her own. “Johnny, is this really necessary? It’s Christmas.”

“Tell them that. Those two started laughing at me the minute I showed up.” Johnny jerked a thumb at Jazz and Harper.

“We did not,” Harper protested. “We were laughing at, uh—” Her mouth curved and she sent a sparkling glance at Jazz. “How sexy brooding men can be. The right brooding men anyway.”

“I don’t brood.” Deak curled a protective arm around Harper’s waist and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Much.”

“Not you, darling.” Harper patted his chest and winked at Jazz. “Others who won’t be named.”

Jazz fought back a grin and turned her gaze toward Lila, only to get snagged by Gray’s intense, probing stare first. Holy hell, she felt the power from that single look thrum through her entire body, starting at her nipples and steadily working downward. All at once she was too hot, and the fuzzy scarf around her neck became a boa constrictor that cut off all her air.

“Brooding, hmm?” he asked quietly, his gray eyes centered on Jazz in a way that made her smile vanish entirely. And not because she was sad.

God, she wanted him. So much that logic didn’t even have a place in her world anymore. If he would’ve gone along with it, she would’ve just snatched his hand and dragged him off to some shadowy corner. The small, inadequate taste of him that she’d gotten last spring hadn’t even begun to take the edge off her longing.

And she was beginning to wonder if it would be all she would ever get.

Want more of Gray and Jazz’s story? Check out TWISTED and UNTWISTED.

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