I didn’t have room in my life for women. Or girls. Carly was barely an adult, still teetering on that line, and I wasn’t about to help her over. My days of corrupting young, sweet girls were through. Now I fucked females who knew what they were getting into with me and didn’t expect me to call afterward.

My focus in life was far removed from pussy. One didn’t exist capable of diverting me from the path I’d set. Nothing was more important than retribution for what I’d had ripped from me. Momentary pleasure didn’t even rate.

“I didn’tuseanything.” She shoved my hand away. “I didn’t even know what kind of club this was. The bouncer just looked at me and assumed.”

“Uh-huh. He assumed because you’re wearing a titty shirt and a skirt nearly short enough to show off your pussy.” Her pupils dilated and I leaned closer, deliberately crowding her. I’d tried to gently indulge her crush on me before tonight. Now it had entered dangerous distraction territory, and I’d shove her away from me through whatever means necessary. “You wearing panties, sweetheart? Could he smell you?” I turned my face against her thick, wavy hair and took a long sniff. “Mmm.”

I waited for her to shove me again, possibly combined with an inventive string of curse words worthy of her older sister. Instead, she pressed her cheek closer to mine and slid her shapely leg up the outside of my thigh, revealing her curves right up to her string bikini panties.

Pink. Of course they were goddamnpink. A few shades darker than the hue of her pussy, at least until I put my mouth on it. I’d do that first. Just spread her legs, bend my knees, and suck her right between my teeth until her tight little clit vibrated against my tongue.

“I didn’t realize that was the protocol here,” she murmured, and somehow her voice wasn’t shaky but aroused. I was on the verge of trembling myself, and she’d gone to steel right in front of me.

Not her body. Oh, no. That softly undulated against mine, her lush body as pliant as a wish. I could have her here, just unzip my pants and find her hot and waiting for me.

She’d let me. Fuck, she’dbegme.

“Next time I’ll be prepared,” she said next to my mouth, her breath mixing with mine until I had to haul in air before I ran out. Even then, I smelled her. Fresh like a bouquet of flowers. Clean. Pristine.

Unfit to even be in the vicinity of a man like me.

Shit, she was so goddamn close. We were a heartbeat apart. Barely even that. Her lips opened, her tongue curling upward to invite me inside.

Take. Just take.

But dammit, I couldn’t. Not only because it was Carly, and she was the loveliest, most perfect,untouchedgift I’d been offered since Emilia—

Emilia’s name acted as a bucket of cold water to my libido. To my racing heart. Expelling a harsh breath, I grabbed Carly’s leg and dropped it to the ground, only dimly aware of her open-toed sandals. More pink. Sweet like she was.


I wouldn’t let her interaction with me change that. I also wouldn’t allow her to spend one more minute than necessary in this place. She didn’t belong here. If her sister had any clue where she was, she’d kill me—and she’d be right. Carly had a bright future. For God’s sake, she wanted to be a chef. The men here would eat her alive for the price of a bottle of champagne.

I wasn’t much better, because I wanted to do it for free.

The only way I could keep her safe—from me, from all of them—was to scare some sense into her. She was a smart girl. A wholesome one at that. If I found the right button to push, she’d walk away. I’d have done my good deed, and it wouldn’t matter if I dealt with a case of blue balls and a sense of regret that had no place here.

She wasn’t for me. My past had ensured that.

“You came here to dance, did you? Flash your tits for a few dollars, maybe? That’d be a great way to make some extra change.” I dropped my gaze to her breasts, heaving against her snug Stones shirt. I took my time studying them, hoping she’d feel degraded enough to leave of her own volition. When she didn’t move, I smiled and lifted my head, pretending I hadn’t noticed how her nipples had puckered more under my perusal. “If that’s the case, let me introduce you to some of my friends.”

Hating myself even while I told myself I was doing the right thing, I grabbed her arm—careful not to pinch too hard—and dragged her up the hall back into the thick of the action. Red strobe lights swung everywhere, casting faces a demonic shade. Carly was fighting me now, elbowing me, trying her best to get away. I wanted her gone, but I couldn’t trust she’d stay that way unless I drove home a message she’d never be able to forget.

Barely dressed women swarmed the lounge area, bending to serve men who tucked money into pockets and bras with equal regularity. Onstage across the room, a pair of girls shook their asses through their routines as a Jay-Z song blasted from the speakers. They were topless, and as the crowd nearest the stage began to holler, they began to kiss, their arms twining around each other’s necks while their lips roamed.

Beside me, Carly grew stiff, her eyes enlarging until her pupils disappeared. She jerked out of my grip and turned away, but I clasped her chin and turned her toward the stage, making her watch while she quivered in my hold.

“This is what you’ll find here. Have you ever thought of being with a woman,tesoro?” I didn’t mean to keep calling her that, but it slipped out the same way my mouth brushed over her hair without any directive from my brain. With her this close, I couldn’t seem to turn off my impulses to touch her in all the ways I’d imagined over these past few months. “Is that why you didn’t turn around when you saw me come into this place? You wanted to know what it was like?”

She jabbed her fist into my gut so swiftly that I actually grunted. I backed up just enough to give her the room to stomp on my instep with all the fury that burned on her gorgeous face. “You sick fuck. I wanted a date. Just a date. You owed me. Remember?”

I rubbed my stomach, eyeing her with new respect. For an instant, soft, sweet Carly had done a damn decent imitation of her older, rougher sister. Mia must’ve taught her some self-defense moves. Good. I was glad. She needed to be armed to protect herself, especially if she intended to hang out in places like this.

Which she wouldn’t. I wouldn’t allow it. I’d stop her, no matter what it took.

“I owe you nothing,” I said quietly, wondering if she could even hear me over the pumping music and teeming laughter. We were surrounded on all sides by people, and their nearness only forced us closer together. Her breasts pressed against my chest and her thighs rubbed against mine, tempting me even as her eyes and mouth remained silently judgmental.

That’s what I wanted. Her judging me, then finding me lacking. Because I was. I’d never again be good enough for the likes of her.