I swallowed a sigh and took her hand. “Okay, Wonder Woman. Let’s go.”

She trooped between Seth and me, babbling excitedly. I tried to follow along but I was still thinking about those Snickers. We’d eaten an early dinner. A small one. Many moons ago.

“You should let me inspect your candy,” I announced. “Make sure it’s safe.”

“Um, it’s dark out here. Hard to inspect much.” Seth shook his head and turned to whisper into my ear. “Hungry again?”

“What? No.”

He waited until Laurie charged up the steps at the next house before murmuring, “Liar. I can tell you’re hungry.” He trailed a fingertip along my collarbone. “You’re not the only one.”

“You can’t have the Snickers. Those are mine. I’ll leave her one and replace the others later.”

“Nope, not interested in the Snickers.”

“M&Ms? Those are mine too.” When he cocked a brow, I rubbed my belly. “Not my fault your son got your sweet tooth.”

“Is it also my fault that you’re so fucking gorgeous I can’t wait to get you naked?”

As always, sentiments like that from Seth knocked me on my ass. He’d been saying them continuously since he’d first come up with his crazy plan to have a baby in May, but I still couldn’t believe sometimes that he was saying them tome. That we were us. An us so much bigger now than the one we’d always been, because we’d had that solid foundation to grow from.


His warm chuckle stirred my hair. “I love how you react when I say stuff like that.”

“Just trying to get a reaction out of me?”

“Hardly.” He pulled me in front of him and discreetly pulled my hand back to touch the column in his jeans. And it was a column. The dude was fucking erect while trick or treating with his four-year-old. “This outfit isn’t helping matters.” He tugged on the ribbon between my breasts. “I keep imagining peeling you out of it and seeing how much bigger your tits are today.”

“They don’t grow hourly, you know.” Even if it felt like it.

“Mmm, seems that way to me.” He laid his hands on my shoulders as Laurie skipped down the stairs, swinging the jack o’lantern she was using to collect her candy. “What’d you get, sweetheart?”

“Snickers. A full-sized bar.”

My stomach rumbled and he laughed. “Awesome. Onward ho.” He slung an arm around my shoulders as he shifted me back toward the walk. “We have miles to go before we sleep.”

It took a lifetime and a half to cover the square footage of the trek that Seth evidently took Laurie on every year. I’d never gone trick or treating with them before, which had been a mistake. At least I would’ve known what I was in for.

“Yay, time for camel corn and Snoopy.” Laurie spun around ahead of us, twirling her pumpkin full of candy above her head.

“Caramel corn,” I corrected, but Laurie wasn’t listening. I didn’t mind much, since home was finally in our sights. I swear, the warm golden glow of the lights in the windows nearly made me weep.

“Just you and me for those things, princess. Mommy needs some rest.”

“No,” I immediately protested. I didn’t want to miss a minute of our first family Halloween.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have the energy I’d once had. The beginning of my second trimester I’d been full of it—and horny as hell. Seth had happily obliged me in that area. As the months progressed and the third trimester neared, a lot of my sex drive and drive period had disappeared.

Now a carton of ice cream, a cozy blanket, and a pillow excited me nearly as much as Seth’s cock.

Actually, that was a lie. Tonight, his cock was losing big time to the ice cream.

“Yes.” Seth looped an arm around my waist and ushered me up the stairs. “Bed for you. After a snack. We just have enough time to make you one before the show, right, Laur?”

“Yes.” Laurie clapped and ran up the steps. “PBJ?”

“Hmm, thinking something a little lighter.”