“Swear jar,” Laurie said.

“Crap is not a swear word. Me thinks you’re trying to get that change for yourself, Miss Woman.” I ruffled Laurie’s hair and gripped Ally’s hand as we strode down the walk.

Laurie was not deterred. “Miss Jenkins says ‘crap’ is a swear.”

“Can’t deny Miss Jenkins.” I tugged Laurie and Ally closer as we dodged the Grim Reaper and a princess coming up the walk. “C’mon, my beautiful ladies. Let’s go get ourselves some candy.”


Halloween was exhausting business,especially when you were five and a half months pregnant. Or thereabouts.

Last Halloween, I never could have guessed this would be my reality. Married to my best friend, a mother to his daughter—ourdaughter. Slowly, it was beginning to feel like that was true in all ways, not just in my heart.

Pregnant with a little boy too who enjoyed enthusiastically kicking his mama. Not as pregnant as I would be soon though. Lord help me.

“Are you all right?” Seth guided me up the walk with his hand on my hip. I think he could tell the walk was wearing on me tonight.

“Fine. Terrific.”

“Sure about that?”

Nodding, I smiled as Laurie rang another doorbell and cried out, “Trick or treat!”

She was adorable as always, and watching her run from house to house was so much fun. But the homes were spread out on this side of town, so despite only half filling her sack so far, my feet ached as if we’d walked fifty miles. I had a stitch in my lower back, my calf was starting to hurt, and those Snickers she’d collected were looking mighty fine.

I was a hot mess in a slightly inappropriate costume in which I’d hoped to jump my husband later. At this rate, I’d probably need a nap first.

“Want me to carry you?”

I was so busy grinning at Laurie’s banter with the homeowner, Mrs. Whitfield, that I almost missed Seth’s question. We were standing at the bottom of the steps because Ms. Independent wanted to go up alone.

Good thing, since Seth was apt to say things no one should overhear.

“Excuse me?”

“Carry you. I can, you know. I’ve been working out.” He flexed his biceps in his T-shirt—he wore no costume and no jacket although it was only in the fifties—and grinned. “I’m buff.”

“Sure, you are. But I’ve gained weight.”

“I’m super buff.”

“Jerk.” I couldn’t help laughing. “Thanks, but I think I can make it.”

“Is the baby doing acrobatics again?”

“Always.” I rubbed my side.

Seth cupped my stomach. These days, he touched my belly almost as much as I did. “Yeah, he is.” He smiled, brushing his fingers over my navel. “Why don’t you go back to the house and I’ll finish up with Laurie? It’s probably a good idea for you to referee those two anyway.”

“I’m good. Honestly. Besides, we’re almost done.”

Seth gave me a dubious look. “We’re barely a quarter around this side of the lake. You know she’ll have us going until her show at eight o’clock.”

“I hike all the time. This is child’s play.”

Lies. So many lies.

Laurie bounded down the steps and flashed a wide smile. “Ready for more.”