I knew I’d probably regret it, but I had to ask. “Why can’t you discuss a Vegas trip now?”

“Because it’s meant to be hedonism squared. And, you know, little ears.” She looked pointedly at Laurie.

“And you figured that’s the perfect trip to share with your hugely pregnant best friend?” I asked dubiously.

“Watch your mouth. I’m not hugely anything. Yet.” Ally frowned. “When?”

Sage briefly filled her in while Laurie practiced her Wonder Woman moves with her sword. When she nearly jabbed Oliver near his unmentionables, he set down his empty glass and swept her up, holding her upside down until she shrieked with laughter.

Yet I could still hear Ally and Sage arguing. Unfortunately.

“Even if I can fly then, I won’t. No way am I traveling right before our first family Christmas.”

“I knew he’d cock-block me,” Sage muttered. “No one ever wants me to get la—lay down,” she amended with a quick glance at Laurie, who was currently suffering from one heck of a head rush.

“Why, I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t want you to lay down. Maybe she’s concerned about feather strangulation.” Oliver offered Sage a bland smile before righting my flailing daughter. “What do you say, baby girl? Time to hit the road for candy?”

“Candy!” Laurie cried out just as the doorbell rang.

I sighed and accepted the bowl of treats from my brother, then glanced between the women. “Hopefully, you two will have figured this out by the time I’ve passed out the candy.”

After five minutes of pleasant small talk with Dare Kramer and his adorable son, Weston—one of Laurie’s classmates, who she called “her boyfriend” when she saw him,grr—I finally slipped back inside. Oliver had another drink in his hand, and the women were still arguing.

“I can’t go. I’m sorry. If you could reschedule it to, I don’t know, maybe June—”

“June? You expect me to wait eight months for se…sexual congress,” she corrected at the sight of Laurie, who was chewing on the end of her sword since candy was coming approximately never at this rate.

“Why not?” Oliver asked. “You’ve waited, what, thirty years so far?”

“I am not thirty, thank you. I’m only twenty-six.”

Oliver shrugged and sipped. “Close enough.”

Sage flung herself at Ally, gripping the ruffled front of her costume. “Take me with you. I implore you. Or take him. Just separate us. Now.”

Ally laughed and untangled herself from Sage’s grabby hands. “You’ll be fine. We won’t be gone long. Just take turns manning the door and adjourn to opposite corners of the house in between.”

“Easy for you to say. You got the good brother.”

“Since when? As I recall, you used to not like me either.” I shrugged at Sage’s flinty gaze. “Just saying.”

“You manned up. I am woman enough to adjust my opinion when warranted.” She pointed at Oliver. “Except when it comes to that one. That will happen never.”

The doorbell rang again and I threw back my head. “We are never leaving.”

“Go already.” Oliver stepped forward and took the bowl of candy, then held out an arm toward Ally. “Come on, ladies. Time to go be witchy.”

“I’m Wonder Woman,” Laurie said, snagging her pumpkin treat container off the side table.

Oliver opened the door. “I know, kiddo. And a very fine one at that. Out the door. Excuse me, everyone,” Oliver said, nudging Ally and Laurie out first.

I followed behind them and we escaped down the walk as Oliver boomed out “Happy Howl-a-ween” to a burst of giggles from the kids.

“He really is good with them,” Ally said, shepherding Laurie down the steps.

“Better with kids than women. At least Sage.”

“Aw, crap, I forgot my staff.” Ally glanced back at the crowded porch, full of kids and parents.