I looked down at the tiny Harley Quinn with flowing blond ponytails and an almost garish amount of makeup. She wasn’t more than a few years older than my Laurie.

Tomorrow, I would begin constructing the vault in my basement where my child would live until she was safely through her teen years. Ah, hell, who was I kidding? I’d call the contractor I had on speed dial. I might wear a tool belt now and then on request during roleplaying with Ally, but I knew where my skills resided. That was not wielding power tools.

Other than the one I carried on my person at all times anyway.

“Well, hello there. I think only treats for you.” But before I dispensed candy from my big round orange bowl, I peered beyond the child at the front steps and walkway. “Where are your parents? Older siblings?”

Crescent Cove was an astonishingly safe small town, but she was a young girl and it was just after dark on Halloween. Maybe she was from that new family that had moved in down the street.

“Daddy’s in the car parked down there.” She pointed into the darkness. When I craned my neck, I did see a hazy pair of headlights at the end of the lane. “Now gimme.”

I raised a brow. “What do you say?”

“Gimme, please.”

Not exactly what I’d had in mind, but close enough, I supposed. I doled out two stingy pieces of candy—the generic kind, because there would be no treasured Reece’s peanut butter cups for rude young ladies. She sneered before flouncing away, blond pigtails bouncing. No thank you from that one.

“Vault,” I muttered, backing into the foyer and shutting the door. I turned around to find my wife smirking at me. She was dressed up as Little Bo Peep, complete with staff. Except her version was erotically enhanced by the swollen breasts pushing against the bodice of her top and the hot as fuck baby bump poking against the silky material.

My dick lurched. My Ally was always the most arousing woman on the planet, but Ally pregnant with my kid was practically illegal.

As were the things I’d be doing to her in approximately—I consulted my watch—three hours, nineteen minutes, and thirteen seconds after I put our little girl to bed.

Then I would putusto bed.

“You worrying about little girls in the neighborhood again, Daddy?” Ally asked, correctly reading the direction of my thoughts if her teasing grin was any indication.

“Why don’t you come over here and call me that, you filthy—”


Halfway to Ally—and Ally’s smirky, sexy mouth—I stopped and glanced down at our four-year-old, Laurie. She was dressed as Wonder Woman, as she had been every day for the last month. Possibly two. I’d wanted her to save her costume for the big night so it would be special, but Ally had said it would be special regardless. And Laurie was awfully persuasive, as was Ally.

In the end, they’d both been right. Sure, Wonder Woman’s cape had a hole in it now and the tip of her sword-thingy was missing, but all in all, the costume was in decent shape. And Laurie was so freaking excited to go trick or treating that she was about to bust out of her skin.

“Daddy, how do I look?” Laurie demanded.

“Beautiful.” I’d learned my lesson with not answering right away. Plus, I should get bonus points for not getting distracted by Ally’s sumptuous mouth.

Laurie screwed up her mouth. “No.”

I tried not to glance at Ally out of the corner of my eye. “No?”

“He means you look strong and brave and kickass, sweetie.” Ally gave me a meaningful look as she stepped toward Laurie and brushed her hand over our daughter’s long blond ringlets.

“Kickass is a bad word,” I muttered. “Swear jar.”

“No, it’s not,” Laurie informed me, jabbing her plastic sword at my thigh. “It means good things, not bad.”

I cocked a brow at Ally. “Wonder who taught it to you.”

Ally lifted her shoulders and glanced at the ceiling.

“You are strong and brave and beautiful.” I crouched in front of Laurie and tweaked her nose. “You ready to hit the road, munchkin? We have to hurry if we want to be back for your show.”

“Great Pumpkin!” She leaned against Ally’s leg and gazed up at her adoringly. “With camel corn?”

“Caramel corn?” Ally corrected, setting aside her staff to haul up Laurie on her hip. She had to huff and puff a bit more than she normally did due to her growing belly, but Laurie settled right into the notch of her hip as if she’d always sat right there.