“Two things. Hmm. I only have one for you.”

She couldn’t imagine what Nick had gotten her. He’d claimed to be buying her gift at the jewelry store earlier, but that didn’t seem like him. He had oddly romantic moments, such as when he’d made love to her in the so-called honeymoon suite at her parents’ apple orchard back in New York. But essentially that had been about sex, no matter what fancy phrase he tacked on top of it.

At a jewelry store, especially a high-end one, he’d probably go for the simple. Something quick and easy. Maybe a pair of diamond stud earrings. Certainly nothing with any significance, because they weren’t in a true relationship. They’d been together for a short time, but only behind closed doors for the most part.

Nothing thrived in secrecy. Not for long. Nothing that was meant to last anyway.

“I’m sure it’s lovely,” she said, slipping her keys into her purse and tucking her hand in her pocket before he tried to hold it again.

She hated that she liked him touching her so much. Every part of her yearned to be close to him. Even walking beside him back to the house was a kind of torture. Wanting something—someone—so much and not being able to have him was the worst kind of pain. And she’d known many different varieties.

He’d been like a revelation after so many years without being held. Without wanting sex or to be with a man. Now she craved him so much she didn’t know how she would ever stop.

“You know, when you say the word lovely like that, I have the feeling you think I bought you some cubic zirconias or something.”

He surprised a laugh out of her. “No, I would never think that.”

“Just something you wouldn’t want then. Because I don’t know you well enough to get you a present befitting you.” At the end of the walkway to the front stoop of the band house, he turned. “I know more than you think, Lila Lee Ronson.”

She startled at his usage of her middle name—and her maiden name. “Who told you about Lee?”

“Your mother.” He leaned in close to murmur near her ear, “I think she likes me. Imagine that.”

Before she let slip how true of a statement that was, considering one of the gifts in Nick’s box, he pivoted away and strode up the walk to the front door. He kicked it open, and the laughter and music inside spilled out to envelop her on the walkway. Happiness trailed out to her, the warmth and good smells of dinner cooking all combining to crook a seductive finger in her direction. It was an invitation she couldn’t resist.

Come inside, and discover what it’s like to belong. Be part of them, for just one day.

In the doorway, he glanced back, framed by the lit garland someone had hung around the door. And he was the most inviting part of them all.

“What are you waiting for?” That edge of impatience in his voice and the deadly quirk of his lips nearly did her in. “Fucking turkey’s almost done.”

She laughed and followed.

Two hours later, their incredible dinner of turkey and stuffing and all the fixings had been consumed, and she’d taken dish duty because it was only fair Harper get to rest. Jazz too, since she’d taken over baby-shepherding duties for Harper as well during the meal. Lila waved off Margo’s offers to help—and Gray and Deak’s too—because well, the truth was, she should be doing this. She was the one who didn’t have a true place here. She’d been given a tourist’s pass to the band’s Christmas and—

“You don’t have to do this, you know.”

Lila glanced up from the plate she was washing by hand and immediately shifted her gaze away from Nick’s way too intense stare.

Leave it to him to zero in on the heart of the matter. Every matter, every time.

And her heart? Practically flopped into his hands every time he stalked past. Which was just ridiculous.

They’d had a brief affair. She was his manager.

And he was watching her so intently that the side of her face was about to go up in flames.

“It’s not a have to, it’s a want to,” she said quietly, trading her pink scrubbie—likely Jazz’s choice—for a short brush. “I like being useful. Besides, doing dishes gives me time to think.”

“How many dishes have these hands done in their lifetime?” He tugged her hand out of the bubbles and pressed a quick kiss to her knuckles.

“Enough.” She pulled her hand back and frowned at the vibration in her fingertips just from the calloused pads of his fingers touching hers. “You saw where I grew up. I wasn’t born some pampered princess.”

His features softened. “I know. I’m just saying, we have a dishwasher. You don’t have to scrub until your hands are red. Not when I have things in mind for them later.”

All too swiftly,thingsflashed through her mind. Cupping his cock in her palm while their mouths tangled and their bodies brushed. Stroking him harder, just to hear that sexy little catch of his breath.

Seeing him embracing another woman in a photo taken on the same day they’d argued. So explosively argued, that she’d left him with a handprint across his cheek.