“Wait,” Nick said, gripping Lila’s arm as she turned to walk away.
“Nowyou want to talk to me?”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake, I always wanted to talk to you. I just didn’t want you to see your Christmas gift.”
“My lord,” Steve gasped. He recovered marginally as Nick and Lila glanced back at him. “Sorry. I felt a sneeze coming on.” Quickly, he turned away from the counter and busied himself doing something else. Probably writing up his resignation letter.
At this point, Nick almost couldn’t blame him.
“My Christmas gift?” Lila’s low question brought Nick’s attention back front and center.
He dipped his hands into his pockets. “Yeah. Don’t tell me not to buy you one, because I am. I have to. I saw something and it’s just you. And it’s for me to give to you, so don’t argue. Please.”
They frowned in Jazz’s direction but she swiftly turned her head away to admire some dangling earrings hanging off a display.
Lila frowned and stared at the floor, giving him no choice but to tuck her hair behind one ear so she’d look at him again. Startled, she glanced around to make sure they hadn’t been seen by anyone else, and then let out a sigh. “I got you something too.”
He wanted—needed—to see her smile again. It had been too long since he’d experienced the simple enjoyment of watching her big blue eyes soften with pleasure. “Let me guess. These tasteful diamond earrings?” He tapped the box in the bag she was carrying. “I’m not pierced yet, but for you, I just might think about it.”
Steve crept closer, daring to tuck away a tray of rings. It was probably getting close to the store’s early closing hours due to the holiday.
A slight flush tinged Lila’s cheeks. “Not pierced where? Ears or elsewhere?”
Nick didn’t even bother glancing at Steve. Anytime now he’d probably drop to the floor.
“I have no piercings anywhere.” He lowered his voice. “Have you forgotten so soon?”
Her lips trembled. “I haven’t forgotten anything.”
“Me either.”
She swallowed hard enough to make her throat ripple. “So what kind of piercings do you favor?”
He had to chuckle. She certainly seemed to have leaped upon that idea. He leaned close enough to murmur against her hair, “Maybe I’ll get a Prince Albert, just for you.”
Not bloody likely, but it was fun to tease her, especially when her eyebrows drew together and that little wrinkle appeared above her nose.
“If you don’t know what that is, Google it,” he suggested. “Then we’ll chat.”
Talking about dicks had to be a good start toward a night of romance, right? As long as it didn’t lead to anyone coming at him with any really sharp and painful implements. He nearly shuddered. The thought of that was almost as disturbing as large heads protruding from tiny openings.
Lila nodded and stepped back, then she tilted her head in that adorable way she had. And if he was thinking anything his dragon lady manager did was adorable, he was clearly losing his mind.
Or else he was just lost. Over her.
“I’ll see you tonight?” she asked.
He smiled. She was coming over. Everything would be okay. He’d make sure of it. “Yes.”
She nodded again and glanced past him to Jazz. “See you later, Jazz.”
“Sure thing. And make him pierce his dick!”
When Steve dropped his tray of rings, scattering them all over the floor, Nick only laughed.
Damn, his life was a freaking circus.