Page 72 of Queen of Fire

The patio doors were thrown open, letting the cool air of the evening run through the throngs of people as they moved around the dining room. The rain outside pounded on the marble of the patio, the smell of fresh rain on hot ground filling the room alongside the smells of dinner, of flowing wine, of women’s perfume. Specifically ofNezettia’s perfume.

She had slid herself into Cirro’s seat when he had stood to go to the bathroom and had not returned, and I raised an eyebrow at her. People were mingling now, and Kira had gone to speak to Eoghan and Saoirse, the King and Queen of Water, and two of the people I could not stand the most out of everyone gathered. I watched them closely as they laughed with Kira and Tarian, Saoirse’s hand on Kira’s arm constantly.

“Should you not be with your lovely wife?” Nezettia had purred as she slipped into the seat next to me.

I had turned to face her, blinking in surprise at how close she had sat herself to me. Her arms were crossed on the table, and she was looking at me through large, green eyes lined with thick, black lashes. I smirked, lifting one shoulder in a half-shrug.

“She is with her friends,” I said simply, “Should you not be with your husband?”

Nezettia rolled her eyes, sitting back in the chair and lifting her wine glass to her lips. I let my eyes drop for a second, taking in the dark red dress she was wearing, the slit that rode up to her tanned thigh, the open sides that showed a dark, flowing tattoo.

“Don’t talk to me about him,” She laughed, shaking her head, “I’ve never met anyone so dull in my entire life.”

“And here I thought you looked so happy,” I cooed,sitting forward slightly, and grinning at her. “Marital trouble already?”

“He is lovely, don’t get me wrong,” She quickly corrected herself, and I called for a server to refill her now empty glass, “We just don’t share many interests.”

“And what would your interests be?” I asked, lifting an eyebrow and watching her take a deep drink of her wine. Her cheeks were pink, her hair starting to unfurl from its delicate style.

“I want to go riding, he fears horses. I want to go on a day trip to the beach, he does not want to get sand in the carriages.” She rolled her eyes, “It is exhausting. All we do is play chess and judge my father’s archery competitions.”

I laughed at the look of exasperation on her face, her eyes shining in the orange flames of the candelabras.

“That sounds unfair.” I nodded, nudging her knee with mine under the table. Her lips twisted into a small smile, “If you want to do something that is going to make you happy, he should be willing to be uncomfortable.”

“That is what I keep telling him,” She sighed, her eyes roaming around my face for a minute before flicking over my shoulder.

Colour drained from her face, and she sat upright in her chair, pulling herself together in an instant. I did not have time to react before a heavy hand fell on my shoulder.

“Your Majesty,” Her father, an iron trader from outside the city grinned at me. I stood from my seat, turning and grasping the man’s hand, shaking it fiercely. “Congratulations, on your marriage and on your ascension to the throne. Your father would be so proud.”

“Thank you, Nathaniel.” I smiled, letting go of his hand and taking the hand of his wife at his side, lifting it enough so that I could place a quick kiss to the back of her knuckles, “And thank you, Catalina, for being here today.”

“Oh, it was our pleasure.” Catalina smiled, she was a stunning woman, just like her daughter. They had the same long, black hair and green eyes, and eyelashes that would have made the angels jealous. “I hope Nezettia has been polite to you,”

“She has been a delight,” I smiled, pretending not to hear the way she snorted behind me. “I have to go and find my wife, but please, enjoy the rest of your evening.”

I turned to pick up my wine glass from the table, dipping my head low enough so that Nezettia’s mother and father did not see the wink I shot in her direction before I stood up straight, excusing myself and stepping away from the table.

It did not take me long to find Kira in the madness of the room. She was surrounded by people, women and their husbands all telling her how wonderful she looked, how lucky they were to be in her presence, asking her forfavours of the crown already. She looked bewildered by those, her eyes wide as one man tried to hand her a small, velvet sack of golden coins.

I cleared my throat, raising an eyebrow at the people gathered, and smirked when they parted for me in an instant. Kira looked almost relieved to see me as I stepped through the crowd, reaching out and sliding my arm around her waist tightly.

“Hello, sweetheart.” I grinned, the wine in my system making my blood feel warm and my brain feel fuzzy. “Are you having a good evening?”

“Not as good as you, apparently.” She laughed, eyeing the glass of wine in my hand as she placed a hand on my chest, almost as though she was trying to keep me upright “How many of those have you had?”

I waved a hand, dismissing her question with a chuckle.

“Not too many,” I grinned, “Are you ready to call it a night?”

Kira nodded her head, relief flooding her features.

Tradition dictates that the bride and groom always left the wedding early, leaving their guests to fend for themselves until the small hours of the morning, and as most of our guests already had rooms within the castle to return to, Kira had no issue with leaving early.

She slid her hand into mine, and I wrapped my fingersaround hers tightly. Her skin was warm against mine, and with one last look over my shoulder to where Nezettia was now sitting with her husband and father, I let Cirro announce our departure.

Kira and I both bowed, the uproarious applause shaking the very foundations of the room as I pulled her in close and placed a bruising kissto her lips.