Page 14 of Queen of Fire



The late-night breeze whistled against the still closed windows of the library.

I had, once again, stayed in between the bookshelves until after Iris had left her post, and now I wandered around the books in silence, letting my fingers trace over spine after spine and enjoying the smell of old pages, wondering how many untold adventures sat between the pages on the shelves in front of me.

My eyes snagged on a golden foil dragon on the spine of a thick book, and my heartbeat heavily in my chest as my mind wandered home. I thought about Aepein, and if she was missing me, or if she thought I had abandoned her. I had yet to find any trace of her missing egg in the castle, but there was still so much left to explore,and when I was not exhausted from lessons and wedding planning, I had been here, in the library.

Frowning to myself, I turned my attention to the next book, and my heart sank even more as I read the title.‘A Beginners Guide to Bonding with Horses.’

Freya had needed me as much as I needed her, and the thought of her being at home, alone, and letting no one ride her again after we had so many adventures, was enough to make tears fill my eyes.

I wondered briefly if the people of Earth knew I did not want to leave, or if my departure had been deemed a betrayal, or even treason. I did not think Maeteo or Emily would let them think that, but I did not know how my departure had affected them either.

Eyvlin’s voice filled my head, her sharp tone making me shake myself mentally.

“You are their Queen, Kira, and Queen’s do not weep.”

An owl hooted outside, breaking my silence, and pulling me from my daydreams. I took the stack of books I had collected to the same small table and chair I always went to, and, armed with a fluffy blanket from my room, I settled myself down. The book I had been reading about the pirate king still sat on the table from the last time I had been in here, and I grinned to myself as I picked it back up, ready to lose myself in it.

Just as I got myself comfortable, someone cleared theirthroat nearby, and I jumped from my seat.

Cyrus stood with his shoulder resting against the end of a bookshelf. His hands tucked into his pockets and his face half illuminated by the candles dotted around the tables. His head was tipped slightly to the side as he took me in, his eyes eating up every inch of my body as he stared at me. I lifted a hand to my chest, breathing deeply and trying to calm my racing heart from the fright he had given me.

“You scared me,” I laughed lightly, closing my book, and clutching it close to my chest. He smiled lightly, pushing away from the bookshelf he was leaning against and crossing the small space to where I was standing.

He reached out his hand, taking the book from me and flipping it open, his eyes lighting up when he realised what it was, I was reading.

“I loved this book as a child,” he said softly, grinning from ear to ear as his eyes scanned the pages.

“You’ve read it?” I asked, blushing slightly when I realised how surprised my tone had sounded. He laughed lightly, nodding his head, and handing the book back to me.

“Yes, my father and I read it together.” He smiled, letting his hands fall back into his pockets. “What are you doing here so late, Sweetheart?”

His tone was so gentle that it took me by surprise, and Itore my eyes away from his for a second so I could collect my thoughts.

“I was restless,” I shrugged, still not looking directly at him, “This is my favourite place to come when I can’t settle.”

He put a finger under my chin, tipping my head up until I had no choice but to look at him. His eyes were warm as he stared at me, the orange flames of the candles reflecting in the pools of glacial blue and making my thoughts turn to water.

“Why couldn’t you settle?” He asked, his hand moving from my chin to cup my cheek. I shrugged my shoulders again, mentally willing myself not to blush too much at the way he was looking at me.

“I had a lot on my mind, I guess,” I stumbled over my words, and he smiled at me. Not the smile he gave to the people of Fire or even the one he gave to the staff; this smile was one I had yet to see. His eyes crinkled at the corners, and one side of his mouth lifted higher than the other.

He let go of my face then, the lack of warmth suddenly hitting my cheek like a slap in the face and slipped his hand into my own. He turned on the spot, tugging my hand slightly to get me to follow him. I stumbled over my feet as I fell into step behind him, my book abandoned on the small table.

He led me through the quiet library to a part I had onlyvisited once. A large fireplace stood permanently lit, the heat sweltering in the space. Two large, brown leather sofas sat facing each other, and a square wooden table sat between them. It looked cosy and welcoming, and I could not believe I had not spent more time here.

Cyrus let go of my hand to sit himself down on one of the sofas, patting the space next to him and looking at me expectantly. I flushed, though I hoped I could pass it off as the heat of the fire, and sat myself down next to him, crossing my legs under myself as I faced him. He slung one arm over the back of the sofa, resting his head back against the soft leather and stared at me for a minute, though it felt endless.

“Tell me about your childhood.” He said softly, and I frowned, confusion making my brows furrow in the middle. He laughed, reaching over to smooth out the confused crease with his thumb. “I grew up in this castle, surrounded by staff and with no real friends, I never had a real childhood. Tell me about yours.”

My heart ached at the thought of little Cyrus, wandering the castle by himself, looking for anything he could to call his friend. I straightened my back, shuffling slightly so I was facing him fully and grinned at him.

I told him about Green Haven, and about how Dane and I used to go swimming in the lakes. I told him about the Sunday markets and the days Emily and I spent cooking and making cakes when it rained outside all day. I told him about my school, and the village festivals, and how during the festive season, the whole village would meetoutside, and exchange presents. There would be lights strung between every cottage and a tree bigger than any I had ever seen would stand decorated in the village square.

He listened so intently I wondered if he was even really listening at all. His hand had started to rub small circles on one of my knees as I spoke, but instead of jumping away from the contact, I found myself welcoming the feeling of his skin on mine.