Page 84 of Queen of Fire

My knees shook and I had to hold on to the bed for support as I made my way around it, edging my way closer to the vanity where Cyrus’s mother had once sat. It still had her old cosmetics lined along the mirror, red lip stains and golden powders, and a golden hairbrush still sat to the left. I reached out to move it, stirring a cloud of dust and making myself cough.

Maeteo sat up in the chair, panic on his face when he realised, I was not in bed. His eyes flew around the room until they landed on me, and he let out a heavy sigh, slumping back into the chair and letting his head fall back.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” I laughed lightly, my voice hoarse with lack of use. I cleared my throat a few times, and Maeteo jumped up, grabbing the glass of clean water next to the bed and handing it to me.

I gulped it down, the thirst I felt still entirely insatiable, and handed the glass back to him. I turned, leaving the bedroom for the first time in days and headed for the bathroom. Maeteo followed close behind me, waiting outside the door in case I needed him, and took care of myself. It was a relief, to finally be coherent enough to do things for myself and not have my needs taken care of by a enchantment spell. That was the most uncomfortable feeling.

Smiling at Maeteo as I left the bathroom, I walked back through to the bedroom, relishing in the warmth from the still lit fireplace, and moved so I was sitting on the bed again. Maeteo watched me closely, his hands outstretched to catch me if I fell, and did not let himself relax until I had gotten myself back under the duvet.

“How are you feeling?” Maeteo asked, watching me closely as I struggled to catch my breath. I smiled at him, letting my head fall back against the headboard.

“Tired, but a bit better.” I nodded. The sickness had passed enough for me to be able to function, and my thoughts were finally clear.

“Good. You look better.” Maeteo smiled, crossing his ankles where he sat and tilting his head to the side. “Do you know what day it is?”

I thought about it for a second, scraping through the fog in my brain to try and work out where in the week I had woken up. According to Maeteo and Tarian, I had beenasleep for two days, and if that was true…

It was the day of the wedding reception.

I groaned, letting my head fall forward into my hands as Maeteo chuckled.

“You don’t have to go, Kira.”

I lifted my head, looking at him as though he had gone mad. Of course, I had to go, it was my wedding reception after all, and if I did not show up, who knows what stories Cyrus would spin. Fear settled itself deep into my stomach, and I let out a heavy breath as I looked over at Maeteo.

“I want to go.” I nodded, trying with all my might to sound more convincing than I felt, “But don’t tell Cyrus I’m well enough, make him think I have to miss it.”

Maeteo blinked, surprised, and then a smile, bigger than any I had ever seen, came across his face.

“You have my word, Your Majesty.”


Sneaking around the castle was made harder by the ridiculous amounts of people that had arrived for the reception.

Every single corner had some new person, exploring the castle and taking in the decor, and I had to not be seen byany of them. Maeteo had fetched Leo, who, thankfully, had placed a temporary glamour on me so I would not be recognised. If I made it through the castle without being stopped, it would last just long enough for me to reach my chambers and start getting ready.

Flowers were woven through every single banister and railing, and golden pain applied to each staircase. It looked tacky, but Cyrus had insisted, and since I had gotten my way with the actual wedding, it was only fair he got this.

I flattened myself against the wall as people pushed past me, rushing through the hallways to see the portraits of Cyrus’s mum and dad, of him as a child. It was something I would have loved to partake in, as I still had not seen every single portrait the castle had on display, but as I sneaked through the halls under temporary anonymity, I did not have time.

Anxiety was rife in my chest as I reached the final corridor, able to see my chambers door from where I was standing. But, right there, standing at his own door, was Cyrus.

I cursed inwardly, looking for somewhere to hide until he passed by, but thankfully, as he stood fixing his cuff links, Cirro came speeding past me down the hall, muttering to himself as he hurried to Cyrus’s side, catching his attention, and leading him in the opposite direction.

I let out an anxious breath, relaxing my shoulders andhurrying along the hall to my door.

Pushing it open just enough to fit my body through, I checked both ways down the hallway to make sure no one had seen me and slipped inside the room.

Gracie was sitting on one of the couches, chewing on her nails as she waited for me. Tarian had found her earlier and told her to be ready, I would need her help getting ready in the short space of time we had, and she leaped out of her seat when I entered. She eyed me warily, and I realised the glamour had not yet worn off.

“It’s me,” I told her, getting a glimpse of myself in the mirror and seeing a woman with black hair and sallow skin, gaunt cheeks, and tired eyes. “I promise, it’s me.”

“You look so weird,” Gracie laughed lightly, and I could not help the giggle that bubbled out of me, because she was right.

“How much time do we have?” I asked, looking away from the mirror and starting to walk into the bathroom, seeing all of my hair products and cosmetics already laid out and waiting.

“About an hour before it starts, but if you want to be dramatic, we can take longer.”