Page 77 of Queen of Fire

“It’s Leo’s father,” I whispered to him softly, and his eyes finally met mine again.

Thunder and ice met the darkness of night in his pupils, and he stared at me for what felt like an age before he nodded his head, sheathing his sword again and swallowing harshly. I smiled up at him, reaching up a hand to rest it on his cheek, hoping to calm him farther.

“It’s okay,” I smiled, and he let out a heavy breath through his nose, nodding finally.

“Okay.” He whispered back, closing his eyes for a second before he stood up straight again, turning his attention to the gathered crowd. “Go about your business.”

The crowd dispersed in seconds, some people grumblingabout the lack of a fight, but some sighing with relief that there was no blood shed this early in the day. I turned to Alexandre, he had pulled his hood down now, clearly figuring that he was staying, and was looking around the lobby with interest.

Leo stepped away from where he was standing beside Gracie, his eyes wide and his hands shaking as he did so.

“Dad?” His voice shook, and Alexandre turned his head slowly, his expression giving nothing away as to whether he was shocked or not. He had spent fourteen years thinking that his son was dead, and yet here he was, walking towards him in the castle lobby of his enemies.

“Hello, Leo.” Alexandre’s voice was soft when he spoke, “You look older.”

Leo laughed, and in a blink, he had wrapped his arms around Alexandre’s shoulders, pulling him into a bone crushing hug. Alexandre chuckled, patting Leo’s back gently.

“What are you doing here?” Leo asked, standing back, and holding his father at arm’s length. Alexandre had always seemed tall to me but seeing him next to Leo showed how frail he really was. Leo was at least two heads taller than him, and Alexandre had to tilt his head back to look up at him.

“Let’s not have that discussion here,” He smiled, his eyes flickering to Gracie quickly before they landed on me. A cheek splitting grin gracing his face as he moved pastLeo, his arms spread wide and moved across the lobby to where I was still standing.

His hug felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket, the comfort it brought me instantaneous.

“Hello, Your Majesty,” He grinned at me, his eyes welling as he stood back to take me in. “You’re looking well.”

“It’s so good to see you,” I half laughed, half sobbed. I had not noticed that I had started crying, but as the tears forced their way out of my eyes, I had no choice but to give into them. I wiped my cheeks with the heels of my hands, sniffling as I did so and trying to compose myself. “I don’t believe you’ve met Cyrus properly,”

I stood back, gesturing to where my husband stood slightly behind me. His hands were at his sides, but his jaw was still locked tight as he eyed Alexandre warily. Alexandre’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he quickly corrected himself and smiled, becoming his usual charming self, and held out a hand for Cyrus to shake.

“Your Majesty, it is an honour.” He bowed his head low as he shook Cyrus’s now outstretched hand. Cyrus smiled tightly, his eyes still thunderous.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Cyrus said smoothly, “I’ve heard a lot about you, Sir.”

“All bad I reckon.” Alexandre laughed, clasping his hands in front of himself again and looking around thelobby once more, his face schooled into polite interest. “Where is your brother, if you don’t mind me asking?”

I frowned, looking at Cyrus just in time to see the shot of rage that flashed through his eyes. Leo sucked in a breath, pressing his lips into a tight line and shaking his head, embarrassment clear on his features. Even after all the years apart, to still be embarrassed by his father felt almost like a curse. I could not help but laugh lightly.

“I do not have a brother, Sir.” Cyrus gritted out, “I think you are mistaken.”

“Oh, my mistake. It’s the old age messing with the old memory.” Alexandre laughed, waving a hand dismissively, but I did not miss the way he eyed Cyrus as though he did not believe him.

“Shall we move this to my office?” I suggested, placing a hand on Alexandre’s arm, and drawing attention away from his unusual question. “Gracie will show you where it is, I need to go and change.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Alexandre nodded, smiling at Gracie as she appeared with a matching grin of her own on her face. “Hello, my girl. How have you been?”

Gracie linked her arm through Alexandre’s, her voice already running at speed as she talked the poor man’s ear off. The pair of them disappeared up the main staircase, their laughter echoing through the lobby until they were far enough away that we could no longer hear them.

I watched after them until they were long gone, my heart racing in my chest. Cyrus’s presence next to me was warm, but it was not comforting. I could feel the rage radiating from him in waves, and as I turned to look at him, I caught him off guard. He was sneering after Alexandre and Gracie, his hands balled into fists at his sides.

He caught me staring and quickly fixed his facial expression, turning it to one of complete indifference. Unease settled in my stomach, but I tried to ignore it as I slid my hand into his and squeezed, his fingers locking with mine tightly.

“Are you alright?” Cyrus asked me quietly, his eyes searching my face, “Did you know he was coming?”

“No. No, I had no idea.” I sighed, shaking my head, and using my free hand to rub my eyes. “I need to go and get changed, are you joining us for tea?”

“No, Sweetheart, I have things to be doing.” He leaned forward, placing a quick kiss to my forehead and lingering there for a second.

I nodded, smiling to myself as he turned away and began to head in the opposite direction. I had already begun to climb the stairs when I paused, a thought coming to my mind and making me turn on the spot, taking the stairs two at a time on the way back down to try and catch up with Cyrus again.