Page 41 of Queen of Fire

“What have you done?” I asked, pulling the door open and letting him into my space. He let out a low whistle as he stepped inside, his gaze roaming over every surface of my room.

“What makes you think I have done anything?” He turned on the spot, grinning at me and wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes, closing the door but not moving into the room with him. I crossed my arms over my chest, watching him closely.

“Maeteo,” I warned, and he laughed throatily, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

“I swear on my life, I haven’t done anything, Princess.” His eyes twinkled as he called me by his nickname for me, and I pressed my lips into a tight line. “I have, however, been sent to retrieve you by your lovely husband.”

If I had not known Maeteo as well as I did, I would not have picked up on the venom in his tone as he spat the last word out at me.

“He isn’t my husband yet.” I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face, and pushing myself away from the door finally. Maeteo shrugged his shoulders, the same grin staying on his face as he watched me cross the room towards my bedroom.

My brain whirled as I tried to figure out why Cyrus had sent Maeteo of all people to fetch me. Was he trying to extend an olive branch before the wedding? To show me that he was as good a person as he claimed to be?

I frowned, grabbing myself a pair of soft, cotton socks from my drawers and slipping them on, and pushed my feet into my shoes. The weather had finally taken a turn over the last few days, and whilst the sun was still high in the sky and casting its wonderful golden light on everything, the wind had taken on a bit of a chill and a lot of speed. It was nothing like the snow and rain of late Autumn and early Winter back in Earth, but it was certainly a lot more comfortable.

Returning to Maeteo, I pushed my hair off my face with a thick band, tying it at the nape of my neck. Maeteo watched me closely, his smile dimmed slightly but still present on his face.

I gestured towards the door, holding in my laugh as Maeteo jumped across the room to open it for me. He may have been in my bad books, but he certainly still knew how to make me laugh. I could not fault him for his loyalty. His logical thinking, however, was still up for debate.

“Lead the way, General.” I smiled, and for the first time since being here, Maeteo grinned his real grin and bowed his head.

“As you wish,Your Majesty.”



The smell of smoke rose from the bunker before we had even reached the entrance.

Cyrus had been waiting for us at the kitchen door, a carriage parked outside with the doors open and waiting. He was holding a fabric satchel, that when inspected closely, was giving off a steady stream of smoke. I had frowned at him, Maeteo walking close behind me as we made our way through the unusually quiet kitchens. Cyrus smiled, holding out his hand for me to take, and pulled me close into his side.

I blushed, stealing a glance over my shoulder at Maeteo in time to see him roll his eyes at the display.

Cyrus steered us into the carriage, the door closing sharply on the back of Maeteo’s legs and making him grunt unhappily. He sat himself on the velvet seat acrossfrom Cyrus and myself, and I smiled at him lightly. He looked so uncomfortable, his knuckles turning white as they gripped the edge of the seat. The carriage moved suddenly, jolting the three of us.

The ride passed in an awkward, uncomfortable silence. Maeteo kept his eyes trained on the windows, watching the world pass by as we spent the hour travelling into Zalas city center. Cyrus’s hand was rested on my thigh comfortably, his thumb creating soothing circles on the outside of my leg, making it hard for me to concentrate on anything else.

Clearing my throat, I reached for the satchel and winced slightly when it burned the tips of my fingers. Cyrus smiled lightly, taking his hand from my thigh, and holding the satchel up for me so I could look inside.

The inside was lined with what looked like leather, but it did not seem to be burning despite the still smoldering lumps of coal that were crowded inside the small space. Aepein’s egg sat on top of it all, the scales shimmering the same iridescence white as Aepein’s scales in the limited sunlight coming in through the carriage windows. I grinned at the sight in front of me, my heart singing in my chest as I realised where we were going.

Zalas center was, as always, busier than I expected. People seemed to occupy every inch of space around us as the carriage pushed through the middle of the roads, past the market stalls and the magic shows. The sky, normally a bright, clear blue, was heavy with clouds.

Pulling down a side street, the carriage came to a stop. Cyrus stood first, opening the door, and jumping out. He turned on the spot, the same smile on his face as he held out a hand for me to take. I let my fingers slide in between his easily, stepping from the carriage onto the cobbled street. Maeteo followed close behind me, his face a perfect depiction of a thunderstorm as he grumbled to himself.

I recognised instantly the street we were on, my eyes finding the entrance to the bunker easily. Maeteo excused himself, opting to slink away down the street to the nearest tavern; the large, weather-beaten sign hanging on only one of its hooks, and groaning loudly as Maeteo swung the door open and disappeared inside. I frowned after him but did not have time to wonder about his reasons as Cyrus pulled on my hand lightly, bringing me back to the task at hand.

Handing me the satchel, he dipped down to move the heavy manhole cover that kept the bunker secret.

I slung the bag over my shoulder, careful not to rattle the egg inside too much, as I sat myself down on the edge of the entrance, letting my feet find the first step of the ladder, and made my way down into the bunker below.

The sound of Aepein huffing reached me first, and I smiled to myself, not realising until just now exactly how much I had missed the great beast. Voices followed the sounds of her huff, and it took me less than a second to pin them on Hollis and Tarian. I inwardly cursed the length of the ladder, itching to see my friends, even ifthey did not want to see me. They had been in the castle, yes, but Hollis had refused to spend even a second in the same room as me, Maeteo and I argued any time we were near each other, and Tarian had sat by and quietly observed it all.

I had heard the three of them arguing in the halls a few nights ago, Tarian trying to convince Hollis to at least be civil, since Cyrus was letting them stay there, but she had stormed away, shouting that she would rather stay in the bunker again. Maeteo had groaned, following her, and leaving Tarian stood, shaking his head, staring after his best friend and his sister.

My feet hit the dirty ground, and I had to stop for a second to let my eyes adjust to the darkness. Blinking repeatedly, I focused on the small light coming from the opening of the bunker, and I did not wait for Cyrus as I took off at a jog to reach it.

Tarian was the first to spot me. He was sitting on one of the cots, his arms behind his head as he spoke to Hollis, who was with Aepein. His eyes flicked to mine as soon as I reached the entrance of the bunker, and his face broke into a grin. He hauled himself from the bed, crossing the room and offering me his hand to help me down the drop into the open space. I grinned at him, letting him help me down and laughing as he pulled me into a rib-breaking hug.