Page 79 of Livewire Witch

How I wish it was my lap she would sit in, with that look of utter contentment.

How seeing her smile when I bring her a hot drink is enough to make my day brighter.

How I’m losing my damn mind over her.

I’m half afraid she’ll see them on my face. I can’t imagine I’m doing a good job of hiding my feelings.

It’s exhausting.

It doesn’t help that we’re all a little on edge. We have no luck tracking down the Bad Vamps all week. No luck working out what they’re planning.

We’re just sitting around, clueless, as we await the other shoe dropping.

A week after the incident at the club, a couple of weeks after we discovered and disposed of the bodies outside the cafe Ember works at, I’m so tense I could snap clean in half.

Pretty much the only thing keeping me from losing my cool is my weird new obsession with Silver. Collecting little pieces of her is a distraction that I sorely need.

And then Dante calls her up.

It’s good timing, really. We’re all sitting around in Zeph’s penthouse once again and I can just make out the words whenshe flicks her eyes up to meet my gaze for a moment. She then leans forward and squeezes Roscoe’s hand.

“Say that again for me, Dante. I’ll put you on speakerphone.”

His voice rings out. “There’s so many of them. Angel, I’m sorry to ask you this, but I need you to come down here.”

“There’s so many of what, Dante?”






I know that was what Dante said on the phone, and I was also aware it must have been bad for him to call me at all.

But I didn’t expect it to be as bad as this.

I should have known, though. Not just because he sounded flustered when I spoke to him, and Dante is scary cool most of the time, but also because we’ve barely spoken since the other night at the club.

Our major make-out session where I got acquainted with his tongue and his dirty mouth.

We’ve texted, because apparently that’s something we do now. But I haven’t actually spoken to him.

Until he called us down to the docks, not far from the warehouse where we were almost blown up. Brought down here to see an entire freakingmoundof bodies.

Apparently, a witch that works in Dante’s club spotted them and it scared the shit out of her. She came into his club screaming about it and caused an uproar.

It would have freaked me the fuck out too, if I’d come across them.

But... I guess if she hadn’t spotted that they all look remarkably bloodless, or that a bunch of them have had theirthroats ripped clean out. Each one has been drained of almost all of their blood.

I inspected them, and Fabian confirmed it. He even gave me a cute grin as he confirmed it, like we were a team working together. Like he remembered me. Or at least, remembered me from five minutes ago, which is an improvement over how things were a week ago.

It’s not something I should be getting all gooey over. A look or a weird sense of camaraderie. Especially not considering the gruesome surroundings.