Fine. I have my own secrets too. Most of my family know bits and pieces about my past, but I never told Ember my old name. It’s not like it’s ever been relevant.
I haven’t exactly told the Nexus mages that my mother is Cecelia Clements either, an ice-cold bigwig who’s on the Archarcan council.
It’s a shame secrets never stay buried where you want them to.
Later that night, we’re back at Second Circle. The inside of the club is exactly as I remember it from the last time we were here during opening hours. It’s hot and sticky, and I’m hit with a wave of sound and heat as soon as we step past the bouncers.
There’s quite the group of us. There’s me and the three Nexus mages, plus Ember, Rook, and Hanna. Luna decided to stay at home with the twins, since the club is the exact opposite of her scene. I’m not entirely sure why Hanna has come along, other than some mumbled excuse about not getting out enough.
I’m fairly sure that’s bullshit and she wouldn’t mind fucking up a vampire or two if it came down to it. She seems to have taken the news about what happened to me the other day hardest of all. Something that’s not all that surprising, considering she always wears her emotions like a cape, free and breezy in the wind.
Ember has agreed to use his telepathy to listen in on any vamps we come across, and I’m going to take one room of the club while he takes the other. That means we can cover both sets of bathrooms without drawing too much attention our way.
From the long-suffering look Rook shoots at me as soon as we get inside, I get the feeling his entire reason for being here is to keep an eye on Hanna. A little patronizing? Maybe. But pretty necessary. I grin at him and squeeze his rock-hard forearm.
“Chin up, buddy. You’re in for a treat.” We haven’t even gotten into the main part of the club yet and he’s already got that panic-stricken look of an introvert being entirely out of their comfort zone.
He’s not the only one either. As soon as we reach the first room of the club, Zeph goes stiff beside me and my stomach starts to churn.
It’s a mass of writhing bodies. Some are dancing and some are already fucking or close to it. I do a quick visual sweep of the room, scanning over the movement and the flashing lights until I spot at least four different vampires. Seems like Dante was right and this place is a popular place for them. Hopefully tonight will lead to us picking up some more information about what’s going on.
Maybe we’ll even get proof. Although my stomach twists at what that might entail.
Somehow, despite all the chaos going on around us, my eyes zero in on the handsome vampire making his way towards us. Dante has a way of moving that’s fluid and people move out of his way without seeming to realize that’s what they’re doing.
He’s back in his usual suit, looking sharp and put together.
“Thanks for coming,” his deep voice is just audible over the thumping bass. He nods at each of our group in turn, acknowledging each person’s presence. With a jerk of his head, he then gestures for us to follow him out to the stairwell that leads up to his office.
“So these are... friends of yours?” Dante’s gaze runs over the members of our group he doesn’t know.
“My sister, Hanna, and my brothers, Ember and Rook.”
His eyebrows shoot up. “You brought your family?”
“Bonding activity,” I reply with a grin. “Nothing says family bonding like a trip to a sex club.”
He shakes his head, his lips quirking up in an almost smile. “I was going to ask you how you were feeling about this whole thing, but I’m oddly comforted by this conversation.”
“Ah, were you worried about me?” I squeeze his forearm, which is bare, thanks to the whole sexy rolled-up sleeves thing he’s got going on.
Mr Bossman, after hours.
He doesn’t respond with words, instead focusing his attention on where I’m touching him, which causes me to yank my hand away.
“We have a plan. I’ll take one room and Ember will take the other. We’ll mill around a bit and see what we can pick up.”
“I appreciate you all doing this,” he says.
Sure, I’m kind of antsy and nervous about being in a club with a bunch of vampires after being told how tasty my blood smells. But it’s the first time he’s asked for our help and I’m not going to let him down, not after everything he’s done for me.
We head out of the stairwell, through the main doors of the club.
Zeph sticks so close to my side, I can feel his arm brushing up against me every time either of us takes a step, like he can use his body as a physical shield against any threats.