Page 29 of Livewire Witch

“Plus, fuck the Archarcans,” Roscoe adds with an airy hand wave.

“Fuck the Archarcans,” Dante echoes before turning his attention back to me. “What’s this about him blackmailing you? Is that why you were helping these fools? You were forced into it?”

I don’t know when Dante became my protector, but he’s giving off major protective daddy vamp vibes right now.

Orrr maybe I’m deluded and feverish. A fresh trickle of sweat rolls down my spine, as if to prove that point. To avoid answering, I greedily gulp down more tea, grimacing slightly as my hands shake with the effort of holding the mug and some liquid splashes down my front.

“The Archarcans tried to have Silver executed too. Did you know that? I can’t get my head around it.”

I give Roscoe’s leg a half-hearted kick since I don’t really have the energy to do anything else right now.

“Dude,” I croak. “Quit spilling all my business. Just because you found out something new doesn’t mean you then have to tell it to everyone you meet.”

Dante pauses for a moment. When he sees that I’m not going to be spilling any more secrets at this time, he nods to himself and holds up the file.

“So,thisis the reason you broke into my apartment? To hand me something you could have given me at the door, like normal people?” He quirks a small smile and turns back to me. “Or did you miss seeing me, so you created another excuse to come around? Or perhaps you wanted to fill me in on how the curse-breaking is going? I’m assuming it’s gone well, considering I’ve not heard news of a rabid blood mage on the loose.”

A stab of guilt hits me. Dammit, he’s right. I really should have updated him sooner, especially after he shared his personal history with blood curses when we were trying to break Fabian’s.

Then I swiftly remember the reason I haven’t exactly been gallivanting around the city, updating people on Fabian’s health.

“Although, from what the mage here is saying, you’ve been having a rough go of it recently,” Dante continues, his tone gentling.

I swallow my last mouthful of tea and then quickly fill him in on the events of the past week. By the time I’m done, my throat is raw and Dante is frowning at me.

“You lift the curse, head underground, and immediately, on returning to the surface, you’re doing more work for these chumps?”

I shrug. I do feel pretty shitty today. Run down.

It isn’t often I let myself succumb to sickness, though. I’ve pushed through endless colds and viruses, and even a couple of nasty flus, all for the sake of bringing in much needed cash for my family.

Of course, that means my recovery time is usually about ten times longer than it should be, even with Luna’s tinctures and tonics.

Roscoe looks stricken at Dante’s words, like he hadn’t even considered that I might need a minor break. Although, it’s not usually something I have the luxury of taking.

“Shit, he’s right. You look pale, sweetheart. You should be home, resting while I peel grapes for you. I should have come here and done this myself. I’m sure even without your beautiful buffering presence, Dante wouldn’t have kicked me out on my ass.”

The vampire hums. “No. I probably would have.”

“I want us on the same team, that’s all,” Roscoe says.

I’m not sure what he means by that, but my head is soupy and spinning. Roscoe looks at me with concern as Dante jumps in to fetch me a glass of cold water, pressing it into my shaking hands.

“Fuck, even Z told you to take it easy today. I suck,” Roscoe moans, putting his head in my lap and pouting up at me like a sad puppy. “I’m a terrible, sucky suitor who should be worshiping at your altar. What do you need, honey?”

“Maybe you should lie down?” Dante says to me. “I have a spare bedroom. Or you could take a nap where you are?”

I sit forward on the couch, dislodging Roscoe’s head and take another shaky sip of water.

Black dots fill my vision and I just about put my glass down without dropping it. I’m sweating all over as another rolling wave of heat goes through me.

The room starts to spin.

Then everything goes dark.

