Page 18 of Livewire Witch

“We all know that it’s not safe for you to be living your life as normal, not while things with Felix are as they are. You’re safe here though,” Roscoe says with a grin. “Plus, we have a new job. And I’m pretty sure we’re gonna die on our asses with it without your help.”



She doesn’t trust me.

The past two and a bit decades of playing the fun playboy haven’t prepared me for this. For coming across as a trustworthy guy you can rely on.

Is it weird I’m glad that we have another job she can help with? Another excuse to spend time together?

Heading down to the forbidden archives together a few months ago was a lot more fun than I expected. It showed me Silver is quick and smart and can get herself out of a jam just by being her cute self. I’m pretty sure I fell half in love with her on that day.

Although something about my phrasing has her guard going up. Just as she was starting to relax with her family around her, too.

I love seeing her with them. It’s like her walls come right down. I can see the parts of her I’ve only glimpsed before and it has my chest going all warm and gooey.

I’m greedy, though. I want to be the one to bring that side out. For her to trust me enough to show all of herself so I can gobble up all of her parts and bask in her glow. I just need to show her she’s safe with me, even if I have to tear myself open and show her all my soft parts to do that.

No. Z told me off about thinking that way. He said I was being psycho again. But it’s just sohard. I like her so much andI’ve never been very good at not giving into my impulses. Maybe I should tattoo her name on my body, show how serious I am about my ‘infatuation’, as Z calls it.

I’m so distracted by thinking about Silver, I nearly miss the conversation going on around me.

“Have you ever heard bones whispering before? Maybe it’s just some spell they have down there to freak people out or something?” Hanna is asking. She’s a little spitfire, a bit nuts, and I like her a lot. Plus, I like the way Silver is with her, all warm and big sisterly. It has me feeling all kinds of feelings.

I glance over at Z to see if he can fill me in on the weird direction the conversation has taken while I tuned out. He’s no use though.

Finishing up Silver’s pancakes and coffee, I pass them over to her and bask in the cute little smile she directs my way. Her nose wrinkles up every time she smiles, and it makes me want to put my hands around her face and kiss her.

“I checked with Seb while we were down there. I was the only one who heard them,” she says. “It was weird. Like, I’ve been around bones before, but these didn’t seem to be as old as they should have been. It was like they still had something like consciousness connected to them.”

Hanna shudders. “That’s freaky.”

“There were talking skeletons down there and I missed it?” I say.

“This conversation is fucking weird,” Z mutters back.

“They weren’t quite talking skeletons,” Silver replies. “Just... skulls and whispering bones.”

“Is it me, or is anyone else confused by this conversation?” I remark. “Are you telling me Silver can normally talk to—”

“Dead things,” Seb chirps from the doorway. He’s all sleep-mussed and still dressed in a pair of tatty old pajamas that are hanging off him. “She can talk to ghosts, too. How cool is that?”

“She can also bring people back to life. Probably,” Hanna says. “There’s a bunch of cool stuff she can probably do if she allowed herself to test the limits.”

Silver huffs. “Are you trying to get me thrown into a cell again?”

Again? My eyebrows shoot up and I meet Zeph’s eye. He’s looking like his usual stone-faced self, so I have no clue if he’s as surprised as I am by this little revelation.

Seems there’s a lot more to Silver’s life than I could have imagined.

And I really, really want to peel back her layers and discover them all.

I also really want to get her naked. But that’s by the by. I can hold off on any of the physical stuff.

“So I’m guessing you’re not just a witch with blood magic?”

Silver eyes me steadily for a moment with those starburst irises. I’m regretting not already having planned ahead to get that tattoo of her name on my body. Maybe her face too. The hesitation she has toward sharing things is making my chest squeeze tight.