Now we know Felix is a dirty backstabber. An attempted murderer.
I’d like to say I’m surprised, but he’s always been a weasel. Trying to climb the ladder of Arcanum society, to become someone he’s not, always falling just short.
And now I have to act like there’s nothing wrong while he meets with another Archarcan asshole, trying to peddle more business.
At least this time Ro’s with me. I’m not exactly known for my poker face or my ability to keep my cool. It’ll be a miracle if we get through the meeting without me shoving Felix into the damn dumpster and setting it on fire.
Ro’s keeping close to me, an amiable smile plastered on his face. He’s got a pack of cards out and is shuffling them one-handed. It’s the only visible tell that there might be more going on with him than the cool guy exterior.
“Thank you for meeting me,” the Archarcan witch says—I haven’t even tried to learn her name. I’m surprised she’s bothering with pleasantries. It’s not like they do normally.
It’s the second clue that there might be something out of the ordinary going on here. The first is the fact she doesn’t want to meet us in their part of the city. It’s rare that the Archarcans leave their safe, gated community and for her to want to meet us in a back alley that’s only a stone’s throw from the Nexus District? That tells me she doesn’t want to be seen or overheard.
She clears her throat, shifting from foot to foot. That’s another sign. The Archarcans typically walk around like automatons, or like they have something large shoved up their asses. They’re weird about showing emotion, or weakness.
I eye her, taking in the deep hood that covers most of her face. From what I can see of her, she’s forty-ish, short, dressed all in black with the upright posture all Archarcans have drilled into them.
“The matter I’d like to discuss with you today is a little... delicate,” she says in a cut-glass accent.
“Whatever it is, I’m sure we can help,” Felix says with a simpering smile that makes me want to cringe.
The witch nods at him before continuing, “I’ll cut straight to the chase, then. We are considering recruiting a new vampire liaison to join the council. Because of this, we need information on a list of potential candidates. Now, normally, I wouldn’t dream of outsourcing this beyond our own people, but we’re in need a level of information about their backgrounds that would go beyond what our own people can unearth. Your people are renowned for their information gathering prowess and your discretion.”
“Of course, of course.” Felix is so eager to agree to anything she might say, he’s practically vibrating. “I wonder if you might consider expanding the council. Perhaps to include members from other areas of the city.”
His tone is pure smarmy charm and unsubtle as a brick through a window. The witch reacts accordingly. She waves a hand absently through the air in a gesture that contrasts with her sharp tone.
“For the moment, we’re just focusing on replacing our current liaison. I’m afraid he’s been rather preoccupied lately and we feel we haven’t been getting the details on vampire activity within the city.”
Too fucking right. I wonder what she'd say if we told her about the vamp that poisoned Fab’s blood and nearly destroyed him. The vamp that’s still out there, who could be doing the same thing to anyone.
I bet they know jack shit about that. If word got out, it’d cause an uproar.
I’m half tempted to spread it on the rumor mill, see what happens.
But I’m more interested in finding the prick that cursed Fabian so I can crush him like a bug.
Maybe this assignment will help with that. We hit a bunch of dead ends trying to find him before, but if we have information from the highest echelons of Arcanum society, we might get somewhere.
“Do you have a list of the eligible candidates?” I ask.
She startles at my brusk tone but quickly smooths her reaction, pulling a file from beneath her coat and passing it over. “All the eligible candidates are included. We’ll need as much information as you can find as far back as you’re able to go. There should be no stone unturned. No event, however historical, that is not included.”
“Of course, we can accommodate that,” Felix says.
The witch’s eyes scan over me in my too tight suit and then to Roscoe, who is still messing with his pack of cards like he can’t help himself.
“And when can we expect Mr Nightshade to make a return to our meetings?” she asks. “The vampire community seems to have a certain level of... respect for him I’m sure would come in useful on this information-gathering exercise.”
“Mr Nightshade is taking a more hands-off role in our business recently.” Felix says smoothly.
We all know that she wasn’t referring to Fabian’s father. It’s Fab himself that has a reputation with the vamps. Not forrespect, though. There’s a lot of bad blood between him and the vamps.
“Of course,” Felix continues. “We have our own liaison with the vampire community right here. Zeph’s father is a vampire, isn’t that right?” He claps me on the shoulder and I fight a flinch.
My blood simultaneously freezes and boils at his careless words.
That man isnotany relation of mine. And I sure as fuck won’t be liaising with him.