As soon as anyone opens their car doors, though, they pounce.
The screaming and the sound of tearing flesh are going to haunt me for a long time.
Roscoe shouts and I aim another blast of magic directly at another of the monstrous fuckers.
We’re fighting hard and I’m sweating buckets, despite the snow and the freezing air. Still though, more of them seem to come from nowhere.
“They’re coming from the damn sewers,” Rook yells from nearby. It’s the first time I’ve ever heard his voice raised, and it’s jarring, like a millstone grinding.
I charge toward him, sending another blast of thunder smashing into the nearest creature, battering it away from him.
I skid to a stop by Rook, where he’s focused entirely on a dislodged manhole cover. I watch in horror as something climbs out from beneath the sewers.
But the thing that climbs up isn’t one of the ragged zombies. It isn’t the same monster at all.
“No word from Roscoe or Zeph,” I tell Silver, glancing up from my phone. “Seb’s sent an update to say it all seems clear from his end, but he’s also complaining that it’s taking him forever to sift through the different cameras. There’s every chance he might get bored and lose interest.”
“I guess we should do a loop of the building, check out the staff entrances and quiet areas. If anyone’s planning on sneaking in, they’re going to come in the back,” Silver says.
She’s right. The building has a ton of security on the front doors, not to mention the wall of cameras. The media are out in force since apparently people lap this kind of shit up.
She grabs my arm as we pass out of the room and head through the corridors. My skin tingles at the contact and I glance down at where her hand is touching me. The contact has a zing of electricity going through my body. It’s mesmerizing.
“So that I can glamor us both. That way, no one will pay any attention to either of us,” she says with a shy smile. “Sorry, I should have asked before I touched you.”
I like her hand on me, probably more than I should. And my skin feels cold when she lets go.
By that point, we’ve been through the entire building and have returned to the balcony overlooking the main reception hall. Staring down at the room, it’s like a who’s who of Arcanum society.
No better time for the vamps to make a scene, if that’s what they’re planning on doing.
“What time are you meeting your contact to hand over the information on those vampires from the file?” Silver asks.
I check my watch. “We have another half hour. I’m supposed to meet her outside the kitchens. Felix was originally supposed to meet her too. But I can’t see him tearing himself away from that room once he’s gotten inside.”
“I, er, I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” she says. She’s so close, my senses are almost overwhelmed with the scent of sweet, fresh flowers. Of her.
Her scent.
And now I’m picturing the warmth of her soft body under me. Of pressing my mouth to hers. Licking the taste of her from my lips.
I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.
“Go ahead, ask me anything.”
Her unique eyes dart between mine and she swallows, then licks her lips, putting me on the alert. Whatever it is, it’s not a casual question.
“Do you... remember me?”
I frown, not quite understanding what she means. Silver then swallows and begins to explainexactlywhat she means. She describes how we met months ago, how we got closer as she cured me of the curse.
How we... fell in love.
She doesn’t word it quite that way, but that’s what it sounds like to me. Especially with the slight flush to her cheeks and the wistfulness in her eyes when she looks at me.