Page 69 of Livewire Witch

Those are the first suggestions out of Hanna’s mouth.

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, we’re gonna end them, right? Hopefully, find a way that hurts the guy that did that to you. A lot. We’ve agreed to quit hiding, right? I bet if we wanted, we could track them down and find a way to end them.”

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I take the opportunity to shoot Roscoe a what-the-fuck look. But he’s grinning with his arms crossed, not at all looking horrified about the bloodthirsty murder-y discussion happening around us.

Rolling my eyes, I check my phone.

“Text from Dante,” I tell Roscoe. “He says the vamp elders are refusing to help without proof. He’s asking if we can meet him at Second Circle tonight. See if we can do some digging around.”

“Sounds good,” Ember says.

“You’re not taking down the vamps without us.”

Taking... down the vamps. Since when was that our plan?

“I’m pretty sure we’re just doing some more information gathering. I don’t remember us making any plans to start a revolution or take down the bad guys just yet,” I say.

Hanna just scoffs and buffs her nails against her t-shirt. “Sure thing, Silver.”

Thankfully, the conversation turns to other things, so I don’t have to argue with her. We spend another couple of hours justhanging out, chatting and messing around, and it’s like nothing’s changed.

My mood is boosted by the afternoon. I’m feeling buoyed up and happy as Roscoe and I head out of the apartment and down the stairs to the street.

Of course, that’s the moment our luck changes.

After such a nice afternoon with my family, we’re barely three steps out from the cafe before I bump right into someone I could have done with never seeing again.

Felix Hawkshead.

Asshole extraordinaire.

The last time I saw him, he was unconscious, and briefly before that, he was off his head, trying to murder Sebastian.

Maybe that’s why the sight of him fills me with barely banked fury.

Somehow, Roscoe once again seems to sense where my mood is at. He grips my hand tight and taps his forehead, and I use a little of my telepathy to dip inside his head.

“Remember, Fab said we can’t kill him.”

I grumble in discontent.“I don’t see why not. I know he’s your uncle, but—”

“He’s no family of mine. Not anymore.”

“Can’t we maim him a bit?”I mutter.

I’m not sure where this bloodthirsty side of me has sprung up from. Maybe it’s a delayed trauma response from everything that’s happened, or a result of my new no-shits-to-give attitude. But I can’t say I mind her too much.

“Or we could get rid of him, and then just use one of your double illusions to make it seem like he’s still dicking about around the city.”

Felix sneers down at me. “Ms. Clements, it’s been a while since I’ve had the pleasure.”

Guess he’s scrapped his usual veneer of politeness and is going straight for the vile bullshit. He even used my real name. The one that belongs to a dead little girl.

Even worse timing, Ember and Sebastian step out of the building behind us, too busy joking with each other to notice our unwanted company.

“Ah, and Sebastian too. I haven’t seen you tripping along in your brother’s shadow in weeks. I’m assuming Ms. Clements here did her job correctly and removed his curse since he seems to have returned to work as normal.” He shakes his head in disappointment. “Although, he hasn’t set up a meeting with me as would be customary.”