Page 88 of Outlaw Witch

“It took me longer than it should to work out what was going on. And even then, I wasn’t going to go shouting it from the rooftops.” He clears his throat, clearly nervous about what he’s about to tell me, and I squeeze his hand.

“Seb can manipulate and modify memories. He can make you think you’ve known someone forever, or make you forget your own mother.

“It’s something that would be considered dangerous and is forbidden by the Archarcans. By the other Nexus mages, though? It’s seen as useful as hell, and if he wasn’t sick, I’m pretty sure they’d be unleashing him all over the city.”

I gape at him. I’ve never heard of anyone being able to do something like that. But it’s the exact kind of thing that leads to people being shunned by their family. “It’s... common knowledge he can do that?”

“Enough people know. He’s not in hiding and he’s not been forced to live in a ramshackle warehouse and made to steal shit to survive,” Fabian says with a sad smile.

Well, bully for him.

“It’s not just stealing shit,” I mutter. “You know, Z was just the same. So judgy about breaking the damn law when that’s exactly what you do too. Plus, my entire existence is illegal. It’s so damn stupid.”

Fuck. I shut my mouth too late after having said waaay too much.

Fabian holds a hand up. “I wasn’t judging, Silver. What I was going to say was that when Seb was younger, we met a guy a few years younger than me. He had not too dissimilar powers, powers people were afraid of, and he helped Seb to get a handle on his. That’s how I know about the warehouse. The kinds of people that live on the outskirts of the city. How I know about you.”

I frown. Who the fuck is this person spilling all the secrets I’ve spent so long hiding?

“What I’m trying to say is, I’ve kept his secret, Silver. I’ll keep yours too. But none of you should be living how you are. You shouldn’t be shunned and in hiding. You could all do so much if you just stopped being afraid.”

“Who was it?”

“And Iknowat least some of what you can do, Silver. Not all of it, I’m sure. But what I’m trying to tell you is that I’ve known ever since we met. I’ve known about you for a long time. You’re pretty extraordinary in so many ways, you know? Tough. A survivor. Smart as hell. So damn gifted. You’re incredible, Silver.”

Sweet words, but I can barely hear them over the blood rushing to my ears and my heart pounding in my chest. “Who told you? Who helped Seb?”

“Oh, you mean your buddy, Ember? He’s cool,” Sebastian says as he hovers in the doorway, ashamedly eavesdropping.

Fuck. Who else could have overheard our entire conversation? I bet this place has ears everywhere.

I can’t think too much about it, though. I’m already springing to my feet.

“What did you do, fucker?”I hiss in my mind to Ember.

“Seb, keep your brother company, will you?”

“Why? Where are you going? Silver, it’s not a big deal.”

I turn on Fabian, raising an eyebrow, my mouth curled derisively.

“Quit ignoring me, you little shit. I’m going to murder you, then bring you back to life just to murder you again.”

Fury is bubbling up inside of me. That shithead never told me. Never warned me I was heading into this lion's den where people know exactlywhat I can do.


“The others?” I ask Fabian. “How much do they know, exactly?”

“Seriously, it’s not a big deal,” Fabian says, holding his hands up placatingly.

It’s a stupid gesture when you’ve got an angry tiger in front of you, threatening to tear off your limbs.

“Honestly, love, you can relax and let that impenetrable shield drop a bit. With us, at least. Trust me.”

“How much do the other two know?”

Have they both known all along that I’m more than I’ve been pretending to be?