Page 105 of Outlaw Witch

Even my voice inside my head sounds kind of muted. I wait a moment and then try again.

He’s probably asleep.

“Ember? Wake up, buddy. I need you.”

Still nothing. Another endless minute passes and then another.

“Please. Fuck. I really, really need your help.”

For the first time since I first gained the ability to talk to him this way, Ember doesn’t respond. Which is enough to make me feel seriously on edge.

I have no idea where my cell phone is and without Ember in my head, I’m mentally flailing.

Not for the first time, I wish I had telekinetic powers. Without them, I have no idea how the fuck I’m going to lug two massively over-muscled mages all the way across the city.


Okay, deep breaths.

First things first, I need to get the damn door open. I drag myself onto my feet and limp over to the door, my legs shaking. Then summoning my magic, I draw on my fire power and focus it on the door until the metal begins to buckle. I then slam my shoulder into it, wincing as my bruised body hits the solid metal.

It doesn’t budge.


I suck in a deep breath and try again, alternating between kicking and bashing at the door until it flies open.

My shoulder feels bruised to shit, but at least the door is open. That’s one problem down.

I drag myself outside, scanning the area for anyone that might be able to help. There are two guys walking by, dressed in workout gear like they’re just heading back from the gym.


I dive forward, grabbing each of their wrists.

“Hey, what the fuck, lady?”

“Quit touching me.”

They both try yanking their arms out of my grasp, but I cling on like my life depends on it.

I ignore them, trying to shake me off like I’m a yappy dog attached to the mailman’s pants. Drawing on Dante’s mental magic, I focus on sending the worm into each of their brains.

Shit, I’ve never done this before and haven’t only seen him use his powers once, so I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing.

Seems to be the story of my life.

I’ll just wing it, like I do everything else.

“You feel compelled to do whatever I command.”

They freeze in place, my hand still gripping each of their wrists as their eyes seem to glaze over.

“Follow me inside this warehouse and carefully pick up the two mages lying on the ground. You’re going to follow me and carry them to where I lead you.”

For a terrifying moment, I’m not sure if it works.

Then they both nod slowly, blinking at half-speed.