Twelve is not an age when you can stand on your own two feet without risk of being chewed up by the world.
“I know what it’s like to make yourself a family. To choose to let people into your inner circle because the people thatshouldbe there aren’t people you can trust to have your back.”
Zeph’s family fucked him over by not protecting him from his stepfather. Mine were going to let me get executed for being a kid and making a mistake, for not having control over my magic.
“I was lucky to meet Rook. He’s like my older brother, my best friend and my guardian, all rolled into one. He always made sure that he was there when I went to sleep and that I had something to eat.”
I don’t mention that we slept on the streets for a few months, or the way he always slept on the outside with me tucked against the wall like he was a barrier of flesh, stopping the rest of the world from getting close.
It might be the truth. But it’s dark as hell and making a hole in my defenses that I don’t want to get any bigger.
Zeph just nods and then goes back to his phone. The air between us feels less charged, though. That tense awkwardness has faded, and I didn’t give him too much of myself.
He turns to his phone and I go back to poring over the book. I flip steadily through the pages, hoping and hoping that we’ll find something.
Not because Zeph’s account of Fabian has changed how I feel.
It feels right.
And then ten minutes later, I find something.
“Look.” I tap the page with the tip of my index finger, careful not to damage the pages. “There’s a ritual right here. No wonder none of the stuff he tried before worked. It involves ‘a blood ritual by the hidden light of a new moon’, a potion list that’s as long as my arm and an ‘act of great love or sacrifice’.”
“Only those things, huh? I imagined we’d have to sacrifice our firstborn or something,” Zeph grumbles. Then, seeming to realize what he just said, he freezes. “Not that I’m suggestingwecould ever have a firstborn. Together, I mean. That would involve touching each other again and I’d guess we’re both on the same page about that being a terrible idea.”
I blink at him. “Dude, we were doing so well. Neither of us had insulted the other inhours. And now you’re saying you don’t want to have my babies?” I clutch at my chest in mock horror.
He cocks an eyebrow and pauses before slowly replying, “You’re joking.”
“Yes, Z, I’m joking,” I reply drily. “So, the new moon? Any idea when that might be?”
He’s already checking his phone, tapping away for a moment with a heavy frown.
“Fuck. The new moon is three days from now. If we miss this one, it’s another twenty-nine days until we get another one.”
I spring to my feet. With the state Fabian’s blood is in, I’m not sure what’s going to happen to him if we miss this opportunity.
“You let the others know what we’ve found out,” I tell him, filled with determined purpose. “I know just who to ask to help with the potion part of this.”
Luna. If anyone can pull off making a potion in the next three days, it’s her. Plus, it’s a good excuse for me to go home and check up on things. This is the longest stretch of time I’ve been away from the warehouse and my family in years and my insides are itching with the need to check everything is all right.
I know Ember would contact me if there was something wrong. Iknowthis. Roscoe and Zeph met with some of my family just yesterday and I also know that I only saw Hanna a couple of days ago and she’s texted me daily since. She says she’s checking up to see that I’m not being held against my will or developing Stockholm syndrome. I know she wouldn’t keep it to herself if there was something wrong. But still, I’ll feel better if I see them all for myself and confirm that everything is fine without me.
I’m halfway to the door when I feel Zeph coming up behind me. The guy certainly has a presence to him. It’s kind of like being followed around by a storm cloud, causing me to shiver as I feel the heat of his body against my back.
“I’m coming with you,” he says. “Can’t have you running off when we’re finally getting answers.”
I shoot him an unimpressed look. “You still don’t trust me, huh?”
He just shrugs, looking entirely unrepentant. “In three more days, I’m hoping I won’t need to.” Leaning in close until I can feel his breath on my face, he slowly moves a piece of my hair that’s come untucked from my braid. “Don’t think too much of it, Trash Girl. The number of people I trust can be counted on two fingers.”
“Trash Girl? Wow, is that my superhero name?” I ask him, keeping my tone light. Inside, I’m quivering slightly, although I’m not sure if that’s from discomfort at being so close to him. He’s so much bigger than I am, and I’m pretty sure he could crush me like a bug if he wanted to. I mean, I could knock him out, but I’m not sure my reactions would be quick enough.
“Let’s go,” he says, stepping back just enough to let me spin around and head out the door. My grouchy shadow is not far behind.