Page 7 of Outlaw Witch

It’s pretty neat, really.

Or it would be, if it hadn’t ruined my life. Destroyed my future, and meant I’ve had to hide my true nature or risk being disposed of.

Cue a whole lot of self-loathing and internalized emotional bruises that never seem to fade.

Sadly, it seems one of the powers I’ve never managed to absorb is Rook’s ability to escape from places. Probably because we’re not sure if it’s an instinct for him, rather than a power my magic can sense. It’s unfortunate as it’s something that would come in handy on a lot of the jobs I take on.

I pull my head out of my ass just in time to arrive at the Moonshadow coven mansion. Sneaking past the ward and in through a side gate that is apparently always unlocked, I then climb in through a window in one of the many deserted rooms on the ground floor.

Seriously, these people have so many rooms they never use, it’s almost like they’re begging for someone to rob them.

Breaking and entering while there’s someone in the house isn’t exactly my scene, but needs must, and this was the job I was given. And only idiots or privileged people who know where their next meal is coming from turn down steady work.

I head straight for the study where I know the artifacts are kept. Keeping my head down and focusing on the task. All I need to do is grab them and get out of here. No mess, no fuss.

It should be straightforward enough. The coven doesn’t even keep their valuables in a safe, they’re that arrogant.

After I cased the place yesterday, I went over my plan for extracting the artifacts with Rook and Ember last night. I know the coven’s routine. I know that right now they’re all sequestered away for an hour of silent contemplation, so the only way I’m getting caught is if I knock something over.

Just the thought of being forced to contemplate in silence for an entirehourmakes me shudder. Its existence makes me glad I’m not a part of any coven bullshit.

Sitting in silence is not my jam at all.

I scan the office quickly, noting the heavy, ugly furniture and the huge photograph of the coven Mother shaking hands with one of the Archarcans that takes up most of the back wall. Scoffing to myself, I move on to my actual goal here.

The artifacts: A book and a small statue. I’m not sure what either of them can do, but I can feel the power pulsing off them.

But no evidence of any wards around either artifact. There’s only a very basic protection spell that takes me all of a minute to disable before I shove them both into the inside pocket of my leather jacket.

Once the two items are safely hidden away, I slip out the door, ready to make my escape.

... and that’s when my plan falls apart.

“What are you doing up here?” A sharp feminine voice cuts through the quiet and I just about tamp down my instinct to startle.

Fuck. Gotta stay cool, act like I belong here.

“Couldn’t stop sneezing. Allergies, y’know? Didn’t want to disrupt the whole silent contemplation thing,” I say brightly.

The witch eyes me distastefully, like allergies might be catching. She doesn’t look like she entirely believes me either, so I keep on talking.

“How about you? Shouldn’t you be deep into contemplation right about now?”

She shakes her head, eyes narrowing slightly. “It ended early today. The Mother wants us to gather for a power up, something about shoring up our security.”

“Huh.” Well, isn’t that neat timing.

“Yeah, there have been a string of break-ins across the district recently.”

Nothing to do with me. Must be some other nefarious sorts, up to no good. I widen my eyes in shock.

“Anyway,” she steps closer to me. “I, uh, need to get something from her office.”

I then realize that I’m effectively blocking her way in, although I’m hoping that she won’t think much of it. This wholeforgettableglamor I’ve got going should protect me, but I’m not keen to draw attention to myself and see how far it’ll stretch.

The witch sidesteps me and disappears into the office, and I make my escape. The artifacts are burning holes in my pocket and I just want to get the hell out of here. I shove my sweaty hands into my pockets and lick my lips which are dry as the Sahara right now.

I can hear the witch exiting the Mother’s office, so I put a little hustle into my step and hurry down toward the same exit door I used yesterday.