Page 66 of Outlaw Witch



“Calm down, dude. Youlook like you’re about to piss your pants with excitement. You’re gonna freak them the fuck out,” Z grumbles.

I ignore him, of course. It’s crazy early in the morning and Z and I are introducing three of Silver’s pseudo-family members into new jobs and I can’t wait.

Ever since she explained why they live in that shithole that should be leveled, I’ve felt like a real dick. It also filled me with this buzz under my skin. It was like I had bees under my skin and I was filled with thispurposeto fix shit. To find somewhere for her family to work at, while she’s helping us with Fabian’s curse.

And it’snotjust because I’m desperate for Silver to like me. Sure, it felt like my soul was shriveling when she was mad at me after the whole mess with Dante and the sex club, but I’m not that needy.

She really pulled through for us at the library. There’s no chance we would have that book without her. And we did promise to help her family in return.

I also really, really want to get to talk to the people she gives a shit about. Silver’s so damn mysterious. She barely talks about herself and trying to get any details out of her about her life is like talking to a rock. Or Z on a grumpy day, or... talking to Z on any day. But Iknowall the details about his life. I’m not itching to know more.

“You really think they’re going to spill all the details that’ll get you into her pants, huh?” Z asks, leaning heavily against the wall of the office where we’re waiting for the family members to arrive.

I shoot him a glare. “That’s not why I want to know more about her.”

Seriously, it’s like he thinks I’ve got a dick in place of a brain. It stings a little. He and Fab are as close to me as brothers, closer even, bonded through bloodshed and trauma and all that shit.

“Don’t you find her... intriguing? I just want to climb inside her mind and figure out what makes her tick.”

So far, all we know is that she probably got disowned by shitty parents at some point. She’s fiercely protective of her friends, and she seems to love melted cheese in a vocal way that has my dick hardening.

“Maybe keep that to yourself. You sound like a psychopath, dude. Like you want to skin her and wear her like a coat.”

“Fuck you, man.”

Before I can go into detail about how innocent and non-murder-y my thoughts relating to Silver are, voices sound from the next room, drawing my attention and sending another buzz of excitement through me.

“They’re here!”

The three of them step into the room accompanied by one of our guys, who gives a respectful nod before disappearing.

There’s a tall, heavy-set guy who looks like he could knock you out with one punch. He kinda looks like he’s itching to do that right now. His fists are clenched and there’s a tic in his jaw from where he’s clenching his teeth.

Next, my eyes move to the girl beside him. She’s tiny with black hair and is also dressed all in black. Her expression is a total contrast to the guy beside her. While he looks tense enough to snap bone, she’s perfectly relaxed. She stares at me and Zeph with a raised eyebrow and opens her mouth, only to shut it when the big guy puts a hand on her arm like he’s silently reining her in. She shrugs and rolls her eyes at him.

Finally, there’s a red-haired guy who isn’t paying any attention to either of us. His eyes instead survey the room like he’s mentally logging the details of it.

“Hi!” I bound forward, ignoring the look Z gives me. “I’m Roscoe, this is Zeph. You guys are Silver’s family, right?”

“Hanna, Rook and Ember.” The girl points to herself and then the two guys in turn.

“So, er, mind telling us why we’re here? Your guy didn’t exactly spill the details, and I’d kind of like some forewarning if you’re about to murder us,” she says.

“Oh, shit. No one told you what’s going on?” I chuckle awkwardly, glancing at Z, who just shrugs back at me. “How come you agreed to come along?”

“You have Silver,” she says, like it’s obvious. “And I’m pretty sure we could take you, if we had to.”