Roscoe gives me this wide-eyed look, freezing in place. “Oh... yeah. That’s an idea.”
“Yeah? Do either of you want to come with me, then? I was thinking I’d head out now since I napped earlier like a damn baby, and this is likely to be when the vamps are most active, right?”
“Sure, I’ll come,” Roscoe replies brightly, earning him a poisonous glare and a punch on the arm from Zeph.
“Dude. Just tell her.”
I cock my head to the side, glancing at each of them. It’s then that I notice minor details in their appearance I missed at first.
Like how they both look distinctlydisheveled.And how their knuckles are bloody and there’s a dark stain on Zeph’s collar.
“Wemightnot be able to go back to the nest if we want them to give us answers,” Roscoe says, looking a little sheepish. “Since wemighthave already paid them a visit to get some... different answers out of them. But I’ve got another idea of where we can go.”
I eye the blood and the bruised knuckles. “You beat them up?”
“Uh, well, kind of?” It sounds like a question when it really isn’t, and I mentally groan.
Talk about timing.
Roscoe then grins widely. “Don’t worry, honey. I can fix this.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Better get changed, sweetheart. We’re going clubbing.”
Zeph grunts, looking pissed off. But then again, when doesn’t he?
It really would be useful to have more information about Fabian’s curse, and who better to ask than the vamps.
However, considering these two bozos apparently just got back from beating the shit out of a bunch of vamps, I figure this night is likely to turn into even more of a shitshow. But I might as well get on board this crazy train.
Heading back inside my apartment, I quickly change into something more club-appropriate. I don’t have a whole lot of options, but there are a couple of more low-cut tops in my duffel for this kind of thing.
I seem to go to clubs and bars more for work, getting information or tailing people when it’s needed, than I ever do for pleasure.
For fun.
Which is pretty damn sad now that I think about it.
It’s not like tonight’s any different, either. I shrug on my jacket and add a swipe of lipstick and eyeliner and I’m as good as I’m gonna get.
I’m not sure what kind of transformation the two mages were expecting, but they seem surprised I’m ready as quickly as I am. Zeph scowls at me, but I catch the way that his eyes land on my lips and move down to my tits before darting away, his murderous expression deepening.
“All right then, boys,” I say, smiling brightly. “Let’s see how badly you’ve pissed off the vamps in this fair city.”