Page 85 of Tempted Angel

Enzo wolf whistles. Bastian makes a guttural groan.

Axe’s gaze goes all black. Starlight entirely extinguished as his lips part. His tongue darts out to wet them. I can’t help but watch his mouth. Imagining what those lips might feel like on mine.

Against my skin.

What his tongue might do to my…

“Re-pin it,” he says, staring at me.

I stare right back, heat flooding my cheeks.

But it’s not embarrassment raising my temperature.

“Those eyes of yours say far more than I’m sure you want them too, Dove.”

“Yeah? Do they say what an asshole you are?”

Chapter Eighteen

Beasts beholden to their nature, demons will only conquer and destroy. They have no capacity for love or tenderness. No forethought for the future.

- From Realm to Realm: The Creature Encyclopedia

A low groanrattles in Axe’s throat. “Keep talking to me like that, Dove.”

I stare at him, trying to parse what that strained tone might mean. He isn’t scolding me. It isn’t sarcasm or a warning like he’s given me so many times on campus.

Axe spreads his legs wider and…

Adjusts himself.

“You dirty little deviant. Youlikeit when I bust your balls?”

Enzo and Bastian burst into laughter, quickly covered with coughing and throat clearing.

Thank you, oh so much, brain of mine. That little morsel would have been nice to keep to myself. If he didn’t know that I know, then I could pull it out when it’s to my advantage.

But now that he knows I know, better just run with it.

Except Axe doesn’t seem the least bit embarrassed. Nothing in his body language says he’s ashamed of my accusation.

He stares into my eyes, darkness shrouding his as he lowers his lashes a fraction. “I love it. Turns me on.”

My cheeks grow hot.

“Now, I want you to think about every time you’ve spoken to me like that. Every single time you’ve called me a name or embarrassed me or put me in my place.”

Even the dressmaker and his helpers pause to hear what Axe says next.

“Every time you’ve told me to get fucked in front of the class, only strengthened my resolve to have you. Every time you’ve thrown a jab, what you were really doing is telling me how much you want me. How much you want my hands on you, my lips…”

He pauses, dragging his gaze from mine to peruse my body before leaning forward in his chair. “My face between your thighs.”

The noise that comes out of my throat…

The tiniest, smallest yelp of a moan.

A trace of a smile ghosts across his lips. “So, here’s the deal, Dove...”